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Comment It's bad for all OS's (Score 4, Interesting) 380

I'm woking in a large university where you find a larger percentage of Mac and Linux systems. It's hell keeping all operating systems updated properly. Researchers get grants to do something then spend $2million on the custom systems build on a particular version of an OS. Now it's 5 years later are still using the old OS because it would cost another $1million to upgrade the custom code and get new equipment that doesn't use parallel ports for data transfers.

Comment Conjunction Fallacy? (Score 1) 312

Is someone trying to be smart here? Was this suppose to be a "Conjunction Fallacy"? If I have a license for each air and land then I can't really answer truthfully with the given options. I could pick either single license option, I guess, but then you aren't really getting accurate results of license possession.

Comment Re:Just remember now... it's just weather? (Score 1, Troll) 361

Apparently these "climate scientists", their families and friends on this tour of Mawson’s camp site can't tell the difference between weather and climate. It appears they so believed in declining Antarctic ice they forgot to look at the weather and recent trends. There's an unprecedented amount of ice down there and these fools ignored that and went ahead and tried to complete their tour of a historic site. Exactly who are the idiots here?

Comment Two Faced ____ _ ____ (Score 1) 691

"BitCoin looks like it was designed as a weapon intended to damage central banking and money issuing banks, with a Libertarian political agenda in mind—to damage states ability to collect tax and monitor their citizens financial transactions,"

This is a rather bold two faced statement from a guy who has his protagonists doing exactly that. Did he forget he wrote "Accelerando"? WTF man!

Her fingers twitch, and his ears flush red; but she doesn't follow up the double entendre. "You don't feel any responsibility, do you? Not to your country, not to me. That's what this is about: None of your relationships count, all this nonsense about giving intellectual property away notwithstanding. You're actively harming people you know. That twelve mil isn't just some figure I pulled out of a hat, Manfred; they don't actually expect you to pay it. But it's almost exactly how much you'd owe in income tax if you'd only come home, start up a corporation, and be a self-made ?"

Comment Bitcoin Christmas (Score 1) 475

I've managed to make about 90% of my Christmas gift purchases using 0.7 Bitcoin. I managed to trade most of that at the $1100 value, lucky me. That trade payed for my Bitcoin mining. As more people use this option for taking payment it will only help to stabilize the value. Right now there are several online retailers taking them directly and there's a number of gift cards you can get using them. Gift cards are an easy way to trade coins into real products until more retailers start taking them directly.

Comment Environmental Desaster (Score 1) 314

It's about time. This thing has been an absolute environmental disaster. I've got family in Nebraska that talk but land being plowed up that's not seen a plow since the dustbowl, and because of the dustbowl. My environmentalist sister-in-law working up around Chicago talks about how terrible the extra planting has been for the Mississippi and Gulf. Too many nutrients getting into the water causing problems.

Just stop with the subsidies for this and it will work out fine.

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