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Comment Re: Ok (Score 1) 352

This stuff is moving fast, so it's not surprising you don't know about the Multimodal systems with eyes and output beyond text, mostly visual at this point. I would be surprised if Boston Dynamics has not already tested a LLM as the brains behind one of their bots. As for not being "actual intelligence". GPT-4 has already exhibited the understanding that it's being tested when various types of "intelligence" tests are applied. Whether this is truly an indication of intelligence is part of what they want to slow down the race to try and figure out.

Comment Regulation will save us from SkyNet! (Score 1) 13

By definition the best AI will dominate the market. Government regulation will do nothing. The systems are already showing that the copyright of ideas was always a fantasy. Don't get me wrong I'm a full on free market capitalist that loves private property but come on. A copyright on a math formula is kind of a crazy concept. If the FTC wants to do something crack down on handing out copyrights that promote monopolies.

Comment Gov knows no bounds (Score 2, Insightful) 101

For most elected officials and those in Government service this is a fairly normal thought process. They truly believe they are bound by nothing and can do anything because they are the "Government" and they are here to protect you. This is the exact reason to limit the power of any Government the absolute minimum.

Comment Re:Gone batshit? (Score 1) 406

It's the same tactic used by presidents with Executive actions that are clearly unconstitutional. Do the clearly unconstitutional thing then force people to challenge it. In some cases you can't ever challenge it because no one has "standing". The Florida POS law would see a lot of people with "Standing" though.

Comment Re:Profit without any responsibility (Score 1) 324

This isn't just about Google, it's about ALL content that ANYONE might post to the ANY website. If someone cuts their leg off after watching a dum guy cutdown a tree. Whose fault is that? After all the algorithm recommended the video to you because you were trying to learn how to properly cut down a tree. If Google looses there will be no more recommendations.

Comment Teams sux but WTF EU! (Score 0) 26

Really! A developer integrates their suite of apps to allow all the apps to be functional with each other and the EU has a problem with that! Does M$ offer deals for their integrated shit of products that require major infrastructure buy in? Sure, but why is that a problem. It's all an attempt by 3rd parties to capture a market by regulation. M$ has done it so it's just part of the f-n game. The answer it to build better products not try to get your government to hamstring your opponents. Governments could solve the problem by not buying or requiring the products! that might be a go a long way to fixing the issue. Stop publishing your Gov docs in Word or Adobe only PDF formats!

Comment ... because they don't know how (Score 1) 50

The people that know what the fuck they are doing don't need the assistance so they aren't using the system so they aren't being sampled. Guess I should RTFA but did they control for years of experience? I bet inexperienced developers that don't use the AI assistant write even worse code.

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