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Journal Journal: Dumbfounded.


Looks like the "ZOMG FASCISM" crowd was actually right (for once).

Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

I've already changed the 'D' on my card to an 'I'. I can't believe I'm typing this, but I might change it to an 'R' at some point in the future.

I think I'll disable comments and grab some popcorn. Don't disappoint me, monkeys!
PC Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Karma: Bad

Hey modbomber: You do realize, don't you, that one of my homeboys will correct your little pissing match, right?

Journal Journal: Open Thread 8

Post whatever you want. And stop saying I never did anything nice for all of you dumbasses.

Journal Journal: Note to the Attempted Mod Bomber 4

You know who you are, the asshole that modded me down over in Captain Splenda's journal and a few other places...

Guess what?

Karma: Positive

You fail at life.

Journal Journal: This one isn't about you, either. 1

But it is, because it's about you when I say it's not about you, so it can't not be about you, even though it says right there that it's not about you, but it has to be about you because it makes a statement and NOW I'M DIZZY! SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Karma: Bad 8

Thanks to some mod-bombing cocksmoker. Funny how the guy who squeals like a pig over any down mod is the first one to spend 7+ points modding me down. We know who you are, you make it obvious.

Time for some blatant and shameless karma whoring on the front page, I guess.

And to the mod-bomber? Go fuck your power sander, dumbass.
User Journal

Journal Journal: It bears repeating... 6

I'm not a goddamn conservative, so pull your head out of your fucking ass you cocksmoking dumbass.

I troll you because I troll idiots. In other words, I troll you because you fucking deserve it.
User Journal

Journal Journal: The wannabe's posting here... 1

You guys are like my progeny. Imitation being the most sincere form of flattery and all.

Who's your daddy? It's me! I'm your daddy! Wanna know why I'm your daddy?

Because I fucked your momma. Oh yeah...

Dumbasses. Carry on, my progeny! You make your Father proud!
User Journal

Journal Journal: pudge_confirmer - confirmed mod bomber. 8

I confirm that pudge_confirmer is the little chicken shit that mod bombed me.

Wanna know how I know this?

A user had given a moderation of Offtopic (-1) to your comment, Re:you catch more fish if you use good bait, attached to What the fuck is wrong with these dumbasses?. That moderation has now been undone, probably due to the user posting in the discussion after moderating in it. Your comment is currently scored Normal (1).

A user had given a moderation of Flamebait (-1) to your comment, Re:cause your game is stale and modly, dippy, attached to What the fuck is wrong with these dumbasses?. That moderation has now been undone, probably due to the user posting in the discussion after moderating in it. Your comment is currently scored Normal (1).

I confirm that the only person to post in that journal entry after mod bombing me (in my own fucking journal no less) is pudge_confirmer.

What a miserable little coward. You got something to say to me, dumbass? C'mon in and say it, but don't be a little chickenshit about it.

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