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Comment Re:Yes, I like to masturbate (Score 1) 2

YES to both questions! You get the handy herbal cialis, a stained, sticky page from a Penthouse, and this amazing metal rod for your urethra that a mysterious arab trader left saying that was how he punched the clown...

And you can get it all for the super low price of just 9.99!


Call in the next 20 minutes and we'll include this musty gym sock that is strangely stiff and crusty!

That's right - you get the herbal cialis knockoff, a stained, sticky page from a Penthouse (Jack Daniels Ad, contains no nudity) and the metal urethra rod, and the musty crusty gym sock - a $79.99 dollar value - ALL FOR JUST THE AMAZING LOW PRICE OF $9.99!

Operators are standing by!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Cialis VS Viagra 2

Buy Cialis is called secondary impotence. Men with impotence often cease to attempt sexual intercourse, choosing to overload slashdot with spam journal entries selling a product that they require, so that they're able to continue to masturbate over boobless wonders like Natalie Portman and Kate Hudson. Three other problems may occur separately or together with impotence : x Loss of libido is reduced or lost sexual interest or initiative. Reduced libido may also result partly from illnesses, m

User Journal

Journal Journal: FUCK YOU, SLASHDOT! 10

Great. Wonder what you guys will break for that. Half the fun of visiting slashdot is to see "What did they completely fuck up today?"

Of courrse, half as fun is reading the comments to see who's dick the slashbot collective is sucking.

You know, I've been here a while..and it's time for a coup de gras.

Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego. You too, Slashbots!

Some fun fact for slashbots:

Comment 15th Anniversary Celebration? (Score -1) 41

Great. Wonder what you guys will break for that. Half the fun of visiting slashdot is to see "What did they completely fuck up today?"

Of courrse, half as fun is reading the comments to see who's dick the slashbot collective is sucking.

You know, I've been here a while..and it's time for a coup de gras.

Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego. You too, Slashbots!

Some fun fact for slashbots:

Barack Obama is a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure. Natalie Portman isn't that attractive, she has no tits and the body of a 10 year old boy. Oh, wait, that's why you like her. Got it.

Cowboy Neal has his own zip code. When he sits around his house, he really sits around his house. The shoe shiners love him, because they know they don't actually have to shine his shoes, and that he has to take their word for it. Cowboy Neal hasn't seen his own penis without the help of a mirror since 3rd grade.

Samzenpus is a portmanteau of "Sam's a Pussy" which he ironically wishes he had... along with the body of a 10 year old boy so the slashbots would find him attractive.

Good bye, Slashdot. Goodbye, useless virgin slashbots. May all your parent's basements flood so you have to go out into the real world.

LOVE AND KISSES (but not really)


Comment Re:Is this supposed to be about moi? (Score -1, Offtopic) 11

The last comment came from him, not me.

I know, I finally tired you out. I nearly killed myself in doing so.

Hence your nonsense of my trying to get the last comment is just ... nonsense.

Yes! Let's hope everyone ignores that you tried to get the last word in over 30 times! Dismiss it with a hand wave.

At this point I should take the advice of those ACs, and just ignore you.

You are not capable of that. You're much too obsessive compulsive. I've already demonstrated that with the use of my logical_failure account... just like I've repeatedly demonstrated your AC trolling and sock puppetting ways.

Comment Re:Is this supposed to be about moi? (Score 2) 11

You down with OCD? (Yeah you know me) You down with OCD?

We going to break slashcode? Last time I pointed out your obsessive compulsion of getting the "last word" we went around something like 90 comments deep.

Do you really want to do that again? I don't think the squirrel that powers slashdot's server will like that very much...

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