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Comment I dipped my toe in MongoDB (Score 4, Interesting) 147

I tried MongoDB and I even tried to like it. I do love NoSQL but what I came to realize was that MongoDB was trying to tell me how to solve my problems instead of just storing my damned data.

But the real problem with MongoDB was that nearly everything, while appearing simple, required a google search to figure out how to do it. A mark of a very well designed API is that you soon start guessing the commands and your guesses are really close or right on. But with MongoDB I found that nothing really made sense. Only after carefully crafted "debate team" arguments could any unusual aspect of MongoDB defend itself. Whereas redis is the opposite, it just works. Or even simpler systems like Memcache, that couldn't be simpler, when read the API for either of those they just made sense. There is no layer upon layer upon layer of complexity. It is data goes in, and data comes out.

In fact redis would be a good example of ease of use mixed with advanced capabilities. The basic commands are things like get, append, save, while more advanced commands are more esoteric such as PEXPIREAT which has to do with timestamp expiries. So you can happily use redis like a simple minded fool and it is wonderful. Or you can dig in deeper and only mildly shake your head at some of the command names. But with MongoDB it is just a pain in the ass from the first moment you truly have even vaguely complicated data.

But back to PostgresSQL. The JSON related features are mildly complex but appear to be solving the most common problems. Also by using PostgresSQL it solves the entire debate of relational vs NoSQL. Use PostgresSQL and you can just do both without giving it a second thought. And I for one can certainly say that I have data that demands NoSQL and I have other data that demands relational; all in the same project. But oddly enough the technique that I use is MariaDB for the relational and redis for everything else. This is ideal for me as the relational data is very simple and won't need to scale much whereas the redis stuff needs to run at rocket speeds and will be the first to scale to many machines.

But as for MongoDB, it has been deleted from all machines, development and deployment and will never be revisited regardless of this weeks propaganda.

Comment Re:I stumbled on this one a while ago (Score 1) 93

By substantially new I mean something like the difference between an iPod and an iPhone, that was a huge leap which was actually derided at the time; the general opinion was that apple should stick to music and leave the phones to the big boys like Motorola. My basic point is that each Apple product has faded after a great new leap came out. The macbook business is still huge but pales in comparison to the iPhone business as is the iPod business. So assuming that iPhones will slowly fade at some point, what is going to replace them. Or is apple planning on the iPhone not fading and has no desire for a new product. This would be a huge change from their successful pattern.

Comment I stumbled on this one a while ago (Score 2, Interesting) 93

I was helping someone with their forgotten iCloud password and we tried a few dozen variations. My incorrect guess was that instead of telling me to go to hell that it was playing some odd game such as letting me try passwords by ignoring me to waste my time.

It simply never occurred to me that this was a gianormous security hole staring me in the face. What exactly is happening at Apple, there is Bentgazi, iOS 8 killing iPhone 4s and iPhone 5, iOS 8.0.1 killing iPhone 6, apparently a last minute screen switch away from sapphire, plus many subtle other things such as it doesn't seem like they are using liquid steel in their cases, and the whole U2 spam crap, which it turns out they wrote a massive cheque to U2 for. Then there is the collective yawn over the iWatch. But worst of all is the total lack of a substantially new product in years. Basically the business model at apple has been to steamroll all their older product lines with something mind-boggling. But they seem to have stalled. iPhone sales are awesome but if you look at the history of all of Apples previous products they basically had their day in the sun and then were eclipsed by the latest and greatest apple product. iMacs, iPods, iPod touches, Nanos, iPhones, iPads, and now the iWatch. I think that the iWatch will end up sitting alongside the Apple TV, not eclipsing anything.

Comment I am wrong but... (Score 1) 399

Am I wrong but that this exploit only works if you are running CGI scripts? Am I also wrong in thinking that if you are running PHP as an Apache Mod that this exploit doesn't work unless you are executing command line stuff?

Also the SSH aspect seems to be more of a privilege problem whereby someone has to have a valid ssh account before they can start hacking?

I am going to go out on a limb and say, if you are using CGI you are a dumbass and if you give anyone who you can't trust with ssh then you are also a dumbass. I don't think that I have configured a CGI serving machine since last millennia (literally).

Comment Re: Trolls are bad people (Score 1) 240

How many command lines have you copied and pasted into your machine over the years?

In the early days of my Linux fumbling I am fairly certain that I would have pasted a "rm -rf /" as root if it were embedded into other lines of code.

For that matter how many libraries have you downloaded and then run? How would you like it if the latest version of OpenCV came with something that would fry your GPU? Ha ha you were too stupid to check 20 million lines of code to see if there was a GPU frying addition by some guy who managed to get his contribution added at the last second. I hope you learned your lesson? Or is the guy who added it an asshole? (I use OpenCV generically as just some minor library that might not be rigidly managed)

Comment Re:This can only work a little bit... (Score 1) 249

This is a very good suggestions in that it slightly filters reviewers. Except that the restaurant has a limitless supply of these codes. An alternative that I thought of was that you have to use your phone to review the restaurant while standing near it. This mostly prevents hiring shill review mills, and it somewhat limits the reviews to one per device (not terribly hard to get around but a little bit more of a barrier).

Comment Re: Trolls are bad people (Score 4, Insightful) 240

What if I dressed up as a doctor, had an air of gravitas, videoed from what looks like an ivy covered university and gave terrible terrible medical advice about Tylenol maximum dosages? Or if I dressed as a garage mechanic used all kinds of mechanical words and gave horrible advice such as sugar in the gas tank eliminates the squeal when you hit the brakes?

We all can't be experts in everything. Some people are really really not technical while not actually being stupid people. This sort of thing might not fool many slashdotters but which fork to use during which course during a fancy dinner with a potential investor in our tech startup might confound many of us; and end up costing us a whole lot more than a replacement phone.

Comment Trolls are bad people (Score 2, Insightful) 240

I think that this article is psychologically linked to the recent article about internet trolls actually being very bad people. I love a good prank but this is just wanton sadistic behaviour. My phone provides me with much joy so anyone who would take that away from me and cost me hundreds of dollars for a laugh is wired seriously wrong; I'm lucky to have enough understanding to not fall for this sort of thing but it makes it just that much meaner to prey upon those who would.

Comment This can only work a little bit... (Score 4, Insightful) 249

This can work once or maybe in one or two places per region, but the reality is that many people will use services like yelp to narrow down their new eateries by a simple sort-by-rating.

Also this somewhat depends on people being connected to local media to be informed about this reversal. Most of my technology friends have zero interaction with local media. That is they don't listen to local radio, watch local TV, read local publications; thus they are more likely to read about this place far far away than to read about a similar even locally.

But this all raises a much larger issue and that is we almost need a yelp to rate the rating services. Especially as time goes by these crowd sourced rating services will either begin to alter their ratings for pay or they will be largely gamed by various unethical players who usually have financial motives to game the system.

For instance in my town most restaurants don't have more than a few dozen ratings at best. Thus it would not take a competitor much effort to set up a series of shill accounts and trash their overall average. "I was served beef that had 2 cooked worms and the salad had a maggot in it, the owner laughed when I pointed this out and said that he has paid off the health inspectors so go ahead an call."

Not to mention that there are professional services that will do this sort of shill voting for you. As an example when certain companies are brought up on slashdot there is an instant onslaught of comments that basically are talking points written in a style that only a PR company would use. "Those spurious allegations were never proven in court, with all court actions dropped, and the publications that conjured up that story don't even rate as tabloids. This civic minded company has given over $2,000,000 to women's shelters in the local area alone."

But as more and more companies come to realize that crowd sourced rating or communication systems can be gamed for profit then they will put more and more sophisticated efforts into gaming the system. I love the slashdot system of quazi randomly assigning moderator points but very simply if you have 1,000 slashdot accounts run by a group of interns then a huge number of points and comments could be brought to bare on any issue that is desired.

If you want to run a simple experiment. Go onto reddit, go into the appropriate area and trash talk a fortune 50 company using a classically known wrongdoing from recent history. In most cases your topic will not only be voted into oblivion it will have many comments that are the above mentioned talking points. Some issues are so powerful that it can overwhelm the mathematical capability of their PR firms if they don't get onto the issue fast enough or if reddit happens to have nullified one of their voting cadres recently.

So unless someone comes up with a mathematically sound system of voting/rating that is invulnerable to manipulation these systems will only remain viable for as long as the people running them are able to maintain their ethics and outsmart the professional and financially motivated manipulators.

Comment Culture (Score 1) 232

100% of companies that I consulted with had their cultures defined by upper management regardless of what upper management intended. One company that I did work for was all about sports competition. The entire management turned everything into a sport with points, rules, and Winners and Losers. They played tennis, golf, swimming, running, biking, and a variety of high risk sports intended to get people to chicken out. This behavior then carried on with how they dealt with regulators, competitors, suppliers, etc. Needless to say then drove the company into the ground and a few ended up in jail.

Another company had a bit of an absent minded leader who was great at starting things but not really caring how they went. This created much confusion among the ranks who discovered that starting exciting projects was a great way to get praise. Oddly enough this company did fairly well.

But my favourite was a company run by a few stodgy types who had been there and done that. This company cooked along being boring and profitable. Then the main leader got sick and was replaced by a total douchebag who was all about the testicle joke. About a year later the company cratered, but they had a fratboy good time doing it.

The companies that drive me around the bend are technology companies run by boomers though. I have been to at least a dozen engineering companies where all the senior people are in the ballpark of 60 and man-o-man they have their heads solidly planted in 1950's style engineering. Computers at best can be viewed as drafting tables with electrons. I am not only talking about the 60 year olds but even the 25 year old new engineers. They want to do things that are innovative solutions and are shot down and have solutions that a WWII engineer would barely admire implemented. This results in 40 year old engineers who work at these firms not even using tools like autocad in any thing more than a pencils and rulers on a screen sort of way. Magical.

One last company is has a leader who is all about the next big deal. This company has a bunch of employees who take themselves way too seriously.

Comment Sounds good but... (Score 1) 117

This is like saying that an airplane has flown 95% of its journey without a hitch when it is takeoffs and landings that get most airplanes. Only a small percentage have issues while trucking along.

This is the same with interplanetary missions. They rarely go wrong as they drift along in them middle of nowhere.

But the coolest fact so far with this mission is that it apparently cost less than the making of the movie Gravity. That really makes you think that if the defence budget was cut in two and the cuts transferred to NASA then where would the space program be?

Comment disappointing course completion numbers BS!!! (Score 2) 182

This whole line about "disappointing course completion numbers" is total BS. Online courses are a whole different beast than bricks and mortar ivy building courses. If I pay $1000+ to be in a course, I am going to plan my life around it and damn well show up and try hard. But if I see some free and interesting course online that has exactly zero consequences for withdrawal then I am going to sign up on the slightest of whims and figure out if I have time when the course starts. Also if the course annoys me in the slightest, then I will have probably signed up for 6 other interesting courses that I could try on for size. Also other factors can impose. For instance I was recently taking a really cool mathematical thinking course and lost my internet connection shortly before I finished an assignment. I would have aced the assignment and thus was really ticked off. With that huge honkin' zero on my score it burned my inner perfectionist who then decided that I would just take the course again in the future.

I could come up with 20 more reasons as to why I might sign up for yet not complete a course. But none of the above reasons diminish that these are great courses and those that I have completed have vastly improved those areas of my knowledge. Then there are courses such as those offered by MIT and Stanford which I didn't "complete" in that there was nothing to submit or be tested on. I watched the videos and did the recommended work. Again great knowledge was gained. Also depending upon the tracking they do, they may have seen me dip my toes into the first video or two of many courses. It is less that I didn't complete them then I really didn't take them.

Also as I take more and more of these courses I can see that they are starting to really get into a groove. The pacing of the material is becoming more even the associated work is in sync with the lectures, and the group forum stuff is becoming usable.

Really what I have been waiting for is that some major institution will (for a reasonable fee) actually give credit to the students who take a course (not just a whole program). This truly will be the leap that makes these courses a substantive part of modern education.

Where I originally thought(and still do) this leap would take place in an area aimed at highschool students who want to leap into University level material while still in highschool. The idea would be that a smattering of first year courses would be offered and that highschool students who are presently attending third rate institutions would have the opportunity to grow beyond the rats' nest of an education they were being offered and show major institutions that they have the will and the ability to go beyond the crap school that they attend.

The second group that I thought were perfect for online educations were those adults who for whatever reason were not able to attend university or other higher education and want to achieve some real certificate that would allow them to better their employment. An interesting example that occurred to me would be a twist on a degree. The idea is that the vast majority of the degree would be online at low cost and done at whatever speed the student could make time for. But that interspersed would be those real courses (at a normal cost) that require physical attendance. I see this applying to many degrees including an engineering degree.

This last could also apply to trade schools where a student would master the theoretical and then attend whatever physical classes that are required. For many adults stuck with a poorer education than their bright minds could otherwise handle 10 year degree programs would still be very attractive.

So the goal should not necessarily be some potentially unneeded replacement of existing higher education but a reaching out to make a higher education available to anyone who wants it for whatever reason. This would be a truly lofty goal and achieving it would not rate well by traditional metrics.

Comment Re:Apple? (Score 1) 421

They might have a better defence as the OS is free. If anything where it might get interesting is that effectively you are buying the OS and it comes with a machine. Thus there might be a way to convince a judge that where Apple is going legally wrong is to insist that you use their machine.

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