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Comment I'm sorry Arthur (Score 1) 1198

but you can suck a bag of dicks.

It's normal and natural for someone to feel frustrated when he or she has difficulty finding someone to date. It's normal to feel rejected when you get rejected. It's normal to resent being overlooked.

At one time or another, most if not all people have felt this way.

Because I have a male point of view, I'm going to add that it's normal for men to be frustrated and bewildered by the disconnect between what women say they want in a man and what kind of men they actually date.

Obviously, violence should never result from these feelings. This frustration should be motivation for self improvement.

The response should be more along the lines of "Oh, you're not interested? ok. Take care."

Me, I use the women who ignored me and the bitches who used me as motivation to treat the woman in my life even better.

My point is that being frustrated and angry are alright just so long as you don't cross the line and start hurting people.


Comment Re:I need to know something (Score 1) 131

When I was house shopping, my fiance asked me what me criteria were for choosing a house I told her "Location, Size, Price, Layout, Number of Bedrooms and Defensibility in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse."

Zombie outbreaks are a metaphor for civil unrest. Basically, anything that disrupts food delivery or utilities for a week will be the equivalent of a zombie apocalypse.


Comment Re:Where's the progressive outrage machine when we (Score 1) 361

That's precisely why I don't have any references to my employer on my social media accounts.

I am free to say that I think that "marriage equality" is a ruse. It's a trick designed to destroy the institution of marriage and use the power of the state to crush religious freedom. And since my name and my employer are so far separated, I can't be blackmailed over it.


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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
