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ISS Crew Install Cables For 2017 Arrival of Commercial Capsules 106

The Associated Press, as carried by the San Francisco Chronicle, reports that NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Terry Virts have attached more than 300 feet of cable to the exterior of the International Space Station in a series of three planned spacewalks; in total, the wiring job they're undertaking will involve 764 feet of power and data cables. The extensive rewiring is needed to prepare for NASA’s next phase 260 miles up: the 2017 arrival of the first commercial spacecraft capable of transporting astronauts to the orbiting lab. NASA is paying Boeing and SpaceX to build the capsules and fly them from Cape Canaveral, which hasn’t seen a manned launch since the shuttles retired in 2011. Instead, Russia is doing all the taxi work — for a steep price. The first of two docking ports for the Boeing and SpaceX vessels — still under development — is due to arrive in June. Even more spacewalks will be needed to set everything up. Mission Control left two cables — or about 24 feet worth — for the next spacewalk coming up Wednesday. Four hundred feet of additional cable will be installed next Sunday on spacewalk No. 3.

Comment Re:flattened growth?! (Score 1) 271

THIS. Exactly, the original idea of the stock market was distorted. When you buy shares of a company you are becoming her partner, but the assholes from Wall Street decided to make the stock in a casino where no one remembers what is the reality and everyone ignores that is plain impossible to grow forever.

Comment Re:No more downtime (Score 1) 117

Well, let me see... Having to restart a desktop computer is not a problem, after all you supposedly are not running a server. And if despite being a desktop you keeps it on 24/7 then you are wasting electricity, because you are not using your computer 24 hours a day non stop right? Then he be occasionally off is not a problem. And when Windows asks to restart it does not require you to do so immediately, you can finish what you was doing and then restart. What's the big problem with doing this?

Comment Re:Audiophile market (Score 5, Insightful) 418

Well, a company that charges ten thousand US dollars for a network cable may easily pay very good money to have favorable "reviews" and "professional physicists" endorsing the "magical properties" of the product. As a non-American I am surprised as you Americans allow criminals freely sell products that are clearly scams like this.

Comment Re:Artists often get little (Score 1) 157

"personally I find it somewhat insulting calling many of them artists. yes without a doubt many have a gifted voice or work hard to produce excellent sounds, but they aren't artists."

The performer is just as important as the composer for a good music, I dont know from which planet you came to think such nonsense.

Comment Re:its Nvidia FREESYNC (Score 1) 42

Dammit. Although is indeed possible to enable gsync on the hardware described (asus laptop), the author of the site is a liar. The driver is not his work, is merely a file for a beta version of the nVidia driver inadvertently leaked as described in the article. MAY work with just the right desktop monitor (able to use eDP and Display Port 1.2a), but is not his work as he claims.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
