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Comment Re:couches (Score 3, Funny) 54

You my friend have reached the "golden age" in IT. I can tell so by your sub 1m UID. CouchDB is only arcane to old farts who no longer understand the things the younger crowd finds as "in"

We're from the days when MySQL was getting stored procedures, UDFs and views. That's all old hat. Now databases have Couches, and probably ottomans and coffee tables as well.

Embrace your golden years and die out quietly like the rest of us.... :)

Comment Re:[OT] A+ = F (Score 1) 293

I've hired plenty of people who HAVE or HAD an A+ but the point is, once you get past that applying for level 1 service desk, drop A+. That's I'm at Director level in my career now, there are tons of skills I used to list on my resume but don't any longer. I also don't list my high school info either.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
