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Comment Re:Wake up America ... (Score 1) 95

None of those examples are obvious 'make-work' jobs. They're jobs that haven't been automated away, but they're jobs that need doing for the company to function.

Make-work jobs are jobs which exist soley to employ people, like getting one guy to dig a hole and the other to fill it in. Or where any sane company could have automated the job away, but they refuse to do so just to keep people employed.

Comment Re:I could see it used in specific cases.... (Score 1) 287

I'd guess that self-driving cars will get adopted more this way than suddenly buying a car that can drive itself everywhere perfectly.

Bingo. Rather than the Lords Of Google coming down from the sky with the One True Driverless car that has no steering wheel at all, in the real world we'll start with increasingly driver-free cruise control on highways and progress from there. The average car will probably have hands-free cruise decades before it can drive itself around town.

But that makes the fanboys sad.

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