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Comment Re:Well you want offensive ? (Score 2) 613

Here's another example for you: If meritocracy were a real thing, GM and Chrysler would have gone out of business in the 1980s (probably Ford too).

1. Just because meritocracy is real doesn't mean changes happen instantly. GM and Chrysler WERE very good car companies at one time (and many people still think they are). If you think they aren't, that doesn't change history. It takes time to fall.

2. Maybe their meritocratic skill is in navigating politics and unions, not car making.

Comment Re:nonsense (Score 1) 532

Perhaps your doctor friend is paying the bill for the entire practice, including nurses and other staff, because he's the owner?

Or maybe it really is that high for just one person, but there are many other doctors paying much less to bring the average down.

Like this guy: http://truecostofhealthcare.or...

He pays about $5000/year it seems.

Comment Re:Idiots keeping us safe, it seems (Score 2) 1097

Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps part of the reason they as so god damn fucking angry is BECAUSE of the dropped bombs?

Yeah I stopped to think that. Then I realized, wait a minute, the Christians in Egypt didn't drop bombs on the Muslim Brotherhood, why are their churches being bombed?

The Yazidi didn't drop bombs on ISIS, why are they being killed, raped, enslaved?

The schoolgirls in Chibok didn't drop bombs on Boko Haram, why are they being killed, raped, enslaved?

I'm sure that dropping bombs on Muslim terrorists and soldiers and killing Muslim civilians angers Muslims, and some of them become terrorists. I don't think it plays a large part because it doesn't explain the vast majority of Islamic terrorism which is committed either against other Muslims or against already horrifically oppressed groups living in Muslim areas. It also doesn't explain why that seething anger has to wait until a benign event like an art show to activate.

Like "They've been dropping bombs on my family for years, and drones continue to kill innocent people every day. They've been kidnapping innocent people and torturing them. Their prisons are like torture chambers where they humiliate the prisoners. They've destabilized governments. They've propped up evil dictators who use chemical weapons against innocent people. But OMFG TOMORROW IN TEXAS THEY ARE DRAWING MOHAMMED!!!!! Finally I have the motivation needed!"

I mean come on, I have very little respect for terrorists but even I don't think they are that dumb and/or disconnected from reality.

I just wonder, how many years of bombs being dropped on your families would it take for you to consider a driveby on the people doing it?

Christians in the Middle East have been oppressed for a thousand years. Why don't we read about the Christian underwear bomber on an Etihad Airways flight? Why aren't Christian suicide bombers attacking the Kaaba and the crowds around it?

Comment Re:when? (Score 1) 182

Google's lifetime plan only provides 5/1mbps, but the capacity for gigabit is still there. I wonder if they'll start selling that extra capacity to whoever wants it.. like if you sign up for Netflix, Netflix says "You can't stream our highest quality HD content, but for an extra $3.95/month we can enable that." Then they pay Google for 10mbps on your behalf just for use with their service.

Comment Re:flashy, but risky too. (Score 1) 83

Although I see problems with this I kind of doubt counterfeiting is going to be one. To successfully do this the driver/Uber would have to have access to a huge warehouse of counterfeit goods so they could exchange the real item (chosen by the customer, not the Uber driver) for a matching fake one. I just don't see that as a practical scheme for stealing goods.

Comment Re:Appropriate vocational training (Score 1) 599

There is a school opening just for boys to help them in the areas they are behind.

False equivalence. Helping people where "they are behind" is not the goal. The area where boys are behind that the new school purports to help is not as conducive to good jobs as the girls school.

Like you said in another post, nobody's helping people get into the toilet cleaning industry, because that's not really a worthy goal.

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