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Comment Re:802.11 is unlicensed... set up a noise generato (Score 1) 268

Because there is NO lawful justification for interfering with the band in such a manner.

Of course there is. They're not permitted to use their radio equipment in an unlawful manner

They aren't. And if they were, that doesn't grant someone else the hijack the airwaves in retaliation.

Comment Re:Let a D-9 Cat and two fire engines lead the par (Score 1) 305

The Cat should make short work of the piled-up rocks, and the high-pressure hoses would be ready in case the demonstrators start throwing anything.

Now that science itself is under attack, we need to be prepared to defend it.

The scoops are coming. The scoops are coming.

Comment Re:Screw those morbidly obese slope heads. (Score 0) 305

Just because someone is self desecrating and a walking slab of lard does not mean they don't have a valid argument. Your logic is fallacious.

Sure it does, when their "argument" is about how things must not be desecrated. Judging by everything you've posted on this page, I can only assume you yourself are "self desecrating and a walking slab of lard".
Your logic, and your grammar, is fuckdingoretardedbad.

Comment Re:A better compromise (Score 1) 305

Another compromise.

The Telescope goes up, but the Washington Monument gets bulldozed, or perhaps the Salt Lake Temple, or the Statue of Liberty. If not just US things then perhaps the Vatican, Ankor Wat, or other religious icons.

Wait.... what is that..... it makes a difference when the things YOU value are under attack.

Makes no difference to me. I'd love to see the Statue of Liberty shipped off from New Jersey (because it's truly in New Jersey) back to Frnace.
I'd be delighted to see Mount Rushmore obliterated back to a boring old rock. We don't need fucking pointless structures and monuments to stupid shit.

Comment Re:Not Really (Score 1) 305

In the old days they used to be able to pay off some local leaders to make the resistance go away. Now, they're absolutely bending over backwards, funding education initiatives, etc, and the protestors won't go away. Why? Two reasons. First, they made the mistake of breaking ground on a day that drew more attention because the activists were also doing something that day. Second, with Twitter and the internet the True Believers don't need local leaders to stir them up and connect them, they can do it themselves.

Basically, they're trying to placate a bunch of implacable Luddites and Fanatics who won't be placated. Nothing but complete surrender or martyrdom will satisfy them.

It's infuriating.

Luddites? Maybe they need more apps.

Comment Re:Using Linux would prevent these Cisco mishaps! (Score 1) 112

Dedicated routers offer same-or-better performance and capacity of a "layer 3 switch", and give you FULL layer 3 traffic control, not the half-assed firewalling, prioritization, etc. that "layer 3 switches" provide (at slow fucking speed).

"Layer 3 Switch" is a marketing term for "half-assed router", and nothing more. If they were as capable as routers they'd be called routers because they'd fucking be routers. It's just like "smart managed switch", which means you get a semi-functional web interface (and maybe a semi-functional serial interface), good enough to do basic filtering, authentication, and VLANing, but it's no where near as capable as a true managed switch.

Saying a layer 3 switch is better than a router is like saying a spork is better than a spoon, fork, and knife.

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