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Comment Re:You know ... (Score 1) 358

Lots of places don't require vehicle inspection, the one time I've had to have mine done was when I was living in a major city otherwise I've been on the road 15 years without requiring an inspection (WI outside of Milwaukee and Iowa).

As for insurance... you're driving a 2 ton chunk of metal at 70 mph, I see no problem requiring that you be able to pay for your portion of potential damages in the event that you cause an accident.

Comment Re:Planck trumps Moore (Score 1) 183

Moore's Law is about the cost to put a number of transistors in an area, not the size of the elements themselves. Generally we've reduced cost by reducing size, that is not necessarily the only way; you can continue the Moore's law curve by improving manufacturing in other ways until the cost of a chip completely covered in 4nm gates (probably the smallest the laws of physics will allow) falls to 0.

Comment Re:title should be... (Score 4, Insightful) 109

Do you have any idea how much a pill that cures baldness would be worth? After erectile dysfunction that's like the holy grail of the pharmaceutical industry, a drug to treat something that's incredibly common especially in middle aged men (in theory when disposable income skyrockets) that's also very embarrassing for a smaller but still large large number of younger people.

That's why it's news. Unfortunately for Pfizer (and the many men, including myself, who are balding) his particular baldness was almost certainly caused by a rare autoimmune disorder (and treated by a drug designed to treat similar disorder) and is therefore unlikely to produce a generalized treatment

Comment Re:Solves nothing (Score 1) 396

In the areas targeted, banana's are a staple food. Much like rice is an many Asian cultures and wheat is in many western cultures. It isn't the sweet, ready to eat variety we get here, it's a starchy hard fruit that needs to be cooked before eating; in many ways it's closer to a potato than anything else. You are talking about swapping one luxury good for another (relatively speaking anyway), while they are talking about talking about a small modification to a food that is already the primary calorie source.

Comment Re:Please make it a mental one (Score 1) 625

And at the end of the day, diet is much easier than working out.

I just want to reiterate this. A pound of fat is 3500 Calories. To burn one pound per week you have to either cut 500 Calories per day (say, but not drinking those 2 cans of Mountain Dew and skipping the handful of Doritos) or you could run 2-3 miles, per day, 7 days a week. With effort, you can shave 1000 Calories off a "typical" American diet without even changing what foods you're eating and without feeling too miserable. If you change to a better protein/carb balance you can make that 1500 pretty easily.

Comment Re:We could definitely use alternatives to paypal (Score 2) 76

Google and Amazon (despite what the summary incorrectly states) have had online payment systems for years. Those are just the 500 lb gorillas, there's literally dozens of other providers, none of which have managed to gain much traction.

Personally I avoid paypal like the plague, too many horror stories. But then, I've never had reason to argue with Google Wallet or Amazon Payments, so maybe resolving conflicts would be just as much hassle with than as with paypal, I couldn't even say.

Comment Re:This is news? The stock market is a house of ca (Score 1) 382

By law, the corporation can only consider the interests of their shareholders. It is legally
bound to put its bottom line before everything else, even the public good.

There is nothing at all saying a corporation can't call out the common good in it's bylaws, mission statement, and investment perspectis.

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