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Comment Re:Quote from the article (Score 4, Insightful) 181

Film crews can be pretty destructive.

This is about people wanting what is happening on the island to be transparent, like it should be.

"Are you kidding me?"

" Several weeks for an impact assessment?"
" Does that strike anyone else as a bit over the top?"
Not really. OTOH, I know what is involved in an impact assessment, where you clearly do not.
I will note that I've never been to this island. So maybe there is some geological reason you are aware of when you where surveying the island...?

He is an expert in the species, and wants to be sure their disturbance is a minimal one.

ob. Star Wars joke:
Bleep, booop beedadbee blooeeeuuup.

That really cracked them up in the droid factory.

Comment Re:Very original (Score 4, Insightful) 182

In China? Not really. If you're being conditioned that following the rules is good while thinking for yourself is bad and can even get you in trouble, you eventually end up with a mindset like that.

But don't worry, they're already exporting that success model. We're getting there. And, frankly, when I look around me, how people pay for "services" that hardly qualify as a service because they're too closed minded to even fathom how they could do it themselves for free and at little if any expense and effort, I dare say we're already there.

Comment Re:It Costs Money (Score 2, Informative) 213

1) Looks good on a resume
2) They have actual course to learn something instead of groping around the internet looks for some code snippet to use
3) They have a ton of reading material
4) Good publication hat aren't on google.
5) Research done by professionals
6) Contacts
7) SIGs
8) Scotch? Wait let me have a beard, and you wear a trilby.

Not that you need to join just pointing out some advantages.

You can keep getting your snippets of VB code from the internet, and I'll keep reading latest research on AI and email the actual researcher with questions.

Comment Re:Whew. FFS... (Score 1) 113

It actually seems like it is bad thing.
IF it goes to the UN, it will the be parted to to different groups.

Going to the UN is a way to splinter the internet. So right now, the US does look like the best practical option. Unless you want different countries to dictate the rules for different parts of the internet.

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 166

That's the "risk" (among others). But at least you'd test it on a group of people where you can actually see more than just whether the crap kills them.

Then again, it could have the unwanted side effect to unveil prematurely that the crap doesn't do jack but line the pockets of its maker...

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