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Comment Dolce and Gabbanna (Score 1) 737

I think it was a Dolce and Gabbanna store that had young men posing half-naked in Baywatch costumes. There was a long queue in front of the store. While I personally don't understand why these people were willing to wait half an hour to buy some shirts, I utterly fail to feel offended by such promo tactics. Seriously - relax.

Comment They do work (Score 1) 151

The feedback of the indicator is open to interpretation. If you want to search a car, just use it and claim a positive reading. This gives you probable cause for a search. Same as K9 dogs. They are able to detect stuff, but that seems to be becoming merely an additional benefit.

Comment Re:what are you even saying? (Score 1) 302

Nope. Each element would use the relevant display properties defined in the CSS. If the value of a property is not explicitly defined, the default value of the property is used. Some of the inconsistencies between browsers stem from the fact that they assume different default properties (like margins) for specific elements.

Personally, I like the clean minimalism of what I think is being proposed.

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