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Comment Re:Nuclear ain't cheap any more. (Score 1) 384

The tricky question(and the one that I've been bombarded with vehement and competing answers on, which has left me confused) is whether nuclear isn't cheap; but military procurement slush used to make it look that way; or whether nuclear could have become cheap; but military procurement slush made that unnecessary and potentially even directly inhibited it.

That is pretty much what happened to the space industry, until SpaceX came along. And until SpaceX came along, nobody would have believed that space could be done both more cheaply _and_ more reliably.

Comment Re:Simple methodology (Score 1) 347

In regards to client handling, you sound like you are at the point where I want to be! Would you mind sharing your SoW with us, or with just me at least? My Gmail username is the same as my /. username. I really appreciate it, and you could possible save me quite a headache as I'm still too young (37) to have made enough mistakes with clients and continually shifting requirements!


Comment Re:(binary protocol)-- (Score 1) 171

echo -en "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\nHost:\nConnection: close\n\n" | openssl s_client -ign_eof -host -port 443 -servername

Thanks, Lennie. I'm self-learning the whole HTTP (simple) and TLS (not simple) protocols out of interest as I work as an ad-hoc server admin (devops). This one-liner answers a whole slew of questions that I had, and points me in the direction to learn others. Thank you!

Comment Re:UX (Score 3, Interesting) 323

The 2 best programmers I have ever worked with in my life, both had little more than high school educations. One quit programming to become a massage therapist. I dont know what it takes in the heart/mind to be a great developer, but I do know that neither a degree in CS or Engineering is a requisite.

Our number 1 dev just quit to work on his film hobby. He was also completely self-taught, no formal education. Some people just 'have it'. Some don't, no matter how long they study.

Comment Re:What makes a plane a plane? (Score 3, Informative) 56

The "plane" in "airplane" or "spaceplane" refers to the shape of the lifting body (i.e. the wing, technically the bottom of the wing). Just like your hand forms part of a geometric plane when outside that car window, so does the bottom of the wing form part of a geometric plane. It is this plane which forces the air down, hence the term "air-plane".

Since this design generates lift by pushing the air down, it is a "something-plane".

Comment The view is wrong. (Score 1) 119

On Titan the view of Saturn is edge-on to the rings as Titan is in the ring plane. So the rings of Saturn would not be visible in the sky.

Seeing the artists get this wrong in the 2009 Star Trek movie is a bit forgiving, as they need to impress their audience. But on Gizmag?!? I would have expected better.

Comment Re:Have I lost my mind? (Score 1) 378

If you've ever changed an infant's diaper you'd have seen that green-yellow mess that comes out for a while.

Kids put everything in their mouth. Put them on the floor, they'll lick the carpets. Unsupervised they'll eat the "poopsicles" in the cat litter, and play with the dogs "turdles." Every time they find something they'll put it in their mouth.

Thanks. In fact, I have changed quite a few diapers and I'd love to change more!

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