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Comment Re:Would their force carriers be called... (Score 1) 103

If the force carriers for ordinary matter are called bosons...

Then would the force carriers for SIMPs be called...SIMPsons?

You probably nailed it. Particle and theoretical physicists have quite the sense of humour. I'm sure if you send that name to those actually developing the theories that they would consider it.

Comment Re:8.0 percent? (Score 3, Funny) 82

Sure hope that's a typo, or heart attacks are really fatal over there.

It's probably due to the conversion from metric. Notice how 100 KPH was rounded off to 60 MPH in the summary? The submitter rounded off whatever 8% in metric is.

The use of a decimal type instead of integer type was the key to figuring this one out.

Comment Re:Heh (Score 1) 54

If this were a map, say in Python, then the programmer would have to supply the value $i (or in Python, just i) with an ++$i (or in Python i+=1). This can be done in PHP too, so there is no disadvantage to what PHP supports. The problem here is that the programmer is putting dynamic code in the SQL query without sanitizing it first. So what if it is supposed to be variables that are not supposed to be affected by the user? The first rule of preventing SQL injection is to use ZERO outside string variables, even those ostensibly created by your own code. If the data _or metadata_ (i.e. array keys) came in through a function argument, then it is NOT CLEAN.

Of course, the "natural way" to write code is often riddled with buffer overflows, SQL injection, and other naive security issues. This is why you hire a programmer with experience, just as with any other profession. There is no end to the problems with PHP, but this particular bug is not one of them.

Comment Re:Who cares about performance? (Score 1) 108

Besides gamers, who cares if it takes a few more milliseconds to launch a web browser or process an image?

My Note 3 cat get _three days_ out of a single charge because I don't leave the internet connected and I don't have faceschmuk / viber / fartsapp pinging home every N seconds. I charge it every night anyway.

Don't make me wait to open the camera, give me the best performance and don't spare the battery just because _other users_ can't disconnect from the internet ever.

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