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Comment Re:This just in (Score 3, Funny) 290

Woman payed to do the surrogate mom thing, then payed for the live Internet streamed birth, then more gals going for their Neanderthal payday. Eventually leading to Neanderthal Pron! Now with that kind of planning you could finance the entire Neanderthal cloning project with money left over. Then we'll know more than we ever wanted to know about Neanderthals.

Comment Re:Great, but what does it *DO*? (Score 4, Funny) 327

The AppleCo iPIP (Personal Information Processor) is an electronic device manufactured by AppleCo, using ultra-modern super-deluxe resolution graphics, which coupled with its capability to store large amounts of information and transfer data to and from holodisks and from data tubes make it the obvious choice for the wandering explorer, the out-on-his-own newbie or the all-around survivalist expert.

It displays information in bright green on its black 5" x 3" screen. It can record sound and video footage for later playback. It uses a simple but elegant form of sonar and satellite tracking (where service is available) to map out areas where its user travels. Though input is slow, a user can also hand-enter and edit text messages on their iPip

The AppleCo iPIP also has a built-in radio and Geiger Counter, a built-in health monitor, motion sensor, and a unique program creating and editing tool, a light that illuminates the area around the user, (allowing them to see better in the dark), and also features a biometric lock that can only be opened by either the user or a skilled technician.

Coming soon! The AppleCo iPIP-Pad is an experimental tablet-sized version of the AppleCo iPIP series.

Comment Re:It will not change anything (Score 4, Insightful) 285

Napster, limewire, bittorrent, ... the next method will once again catch the lawyers and copyright police by surprise and completely off their guard. Then when the new method (whatever it may be) becomes mainstream enough that the lawyers and copyright trolls finally figure it out, the media moguls will pursue trial and conviction of another sacrificial lamb to attempt to staunch the bleeding, and once again it will be much too little and much too late.

Too bad for the sacrificial lamb, but as has been said before, if we want the laws changed, we need to work to change them. If we want the media companies to change we need to buy enough stock in the media corporations to exert some influence with regards to marketing, and IP.

Most downloaders however won't bother to expend any time or energy to change the law, or vote on stocks. They'll simply move on to the next media sharing methodology and happily continue on, (as they always have) while the "Mainstream" eventually catches up.

So the story continues ... Until the media moguls finally figure out that they are stepping over dollars to pick up dimes, there will be one after another file sharing methods, and one after another sacrificial lambs.

Comment Re:limits and fraud (Score 1) 216

Excellent post! I just got out from under all my debt last year and man is it liberating. I had to help with the payment on a wedding reception a few months ago and used my dredit card to pay the entire $12,000 ... easy peasy (no calls, no delays). Paid it all off at the end of the month, costing me zero interest and got 5% cash back to boot.

Lesson learned. Credit card debt ... never again.

Comment Re:My last virus clenaup involved BitCoin processi (Score 1) 216

Financial transactions via email? I'm sure that the president of Nigeria wants to share his U.S. bank account with me, really. Phishing, Vishing SMiShing.

Financial transactions via HTTP? Totally secure! Man in the Browser ... you got me there.

An unregulated virtual cash system is certainly a great idea, but BitCoin? Bitcoinica announced that they are upgrading their exchange "to a professional level of security" just this year. Trustworthy, what was I thinking?


Submission + - Was Megaupload Targeted Because Of Its Upcoming Me (

PoliTech writes: "Matt Burns at TechCrunch voices his suspicions that Megaupload may have been taken down because it was preparing to launch Megabox, a service that would have competed directly and legally with the RIAA record companies.

[Kim] Dotcom described Megabox as Megaupload’s iTunes competitor, which would even eventually offer free premium movies via Megamovie, a site set to launch in 2012. This service would take Megaupload from being just a digital locker site to a full-fledged player in the digital content game.

Will Collier opines that

Copyright protection is a legitimate problem in the digital age, but if the speculation here turns out to be accurate, the Justice Department has been used to facilitate the crib death of a legal competitor to the RIAA. If that pans out, we've got a much bigger problem than piracy to worry about.



Submission + - Are Carriers Killin WindowsPhone 7 Why its failing (

suraj.sun writes: With the “Nodo” WP7 update fiasco finally reaching its unceremonious and unhappy conclusion, it’s hard to be optimistic about Microsoft’s stake in the smartphone market. The expectation was that after a few months of intense marketing and time for users to get used to the differences and advantages that WP7 brings to the table, sales would steadily increase to make WP7 the third major player in the mobile world. It shouldn’t necessarily be called “Nodo –gate,” but the PR nightmare that this update has become is not going to bode well for phone sales.

Watching Microsoft flounder about on the release of the first update to its preeminent mobile software is an uncomfortable experience. WP7 is do-or-die for the company that had been attempting to beat out Android and iOS with a significantly subpar Windows Mobile 6.5 OS. It’s do-or-die, and it’s late. If you’re going to risk your whole mobile strategy on a late to the market OS, it has to be good the first time, and if you need to issue an update, it better be as smooth as butter.


Comment Re:actually, (Score 1) 1148

Good post ... until this, "Patents do more harm then good FACT" "Unregulated-Capitalism never works FACT USA isnt a real, working, democracy FACT We dont know who did the 9/11 attacks -> some people know" The government's many extensions of Patent and Copyright laws are part of that Regulated Capitalism that is supposed to be so good ... right? Purely Unregulated Capitalism Is the ONLY moral trade system, (Crony Capitalism AKA Regulated Capitalism has some problems -- Google "Detroit") USA is a Constitutional Republic FACT (Direct democracy == mob rule, not fun) The truth about the 9-11 airliner attacks? Yes some people know that two jets, hijacked by Saudi nationals, were flown into the NYC Twin Towers, killing thousands of people and subsequently driving our economy into the present depression. Some people do know that indeed. The disaster in Japan will have similar worldwide economic impact. I can hardly wait.

Comment Re:The next generation... (Score 1) 342

The public will react the same way that they reacted to fifty years of nuclear fallout. Don't accurately measure the radiation dosage to start with and you can never attribute the mass death and suffering to the radiation exposure! Easy peasy. As long as you feel safe on the airplane, all other worries go roght out the window.

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