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Comment Re:My last virus clenaup involved BitCoin processi (Score 1) 216

Financial transactions via email? I'm sure that the president of Nigeria wants to share his U.S. bank account with me, really. Phishing, Vishing SMiShing.

Financial transactions via HTTP? Totally secure! Man in the Browser ... you got me there.

An unregulated virtual cash system is certainly a great idea, but BitCoin? Bitcoinica announced that they are upgrading their exchange "to a professional level of security" just this year. Trustworthy, what was I thinking?


Submission + - Was Megaupload Targeted Because Of Its Upcoming Me (

PoliTech writes: "Matt Burns at TechCrunch voices his suspicions that Megaupload may have been taken down because it was preparing to launch Megabox, a service that would have competed directly and legally with the RIAA record companies.

[Kim] Dotcom described Megabox as Megaupload’s iTunes competitor, which would even eventually offer free premium movies via Megamovie, a site set to launch in 2012. This service would take Megaupload from being just a digital locker site to a full-fledged player in the digital content game.

Will Collier opines that

Copyright protection is a legitimate problem in the digital age, but if the speculation here turns out to be accurate, the Justice Department has been used to facilitate the crib death of a legal competitor to the RIAA. If that pans out, we've got a much bigger problem than piracy to worry about.



Submission + - Are Carriers Killin WindowsPhone 7 Why its failing (

suraj.sun writes: With the “Nodo” WP7 update fiasco finally reaching its unceremonious and unhappy conclusion, it’s hard to be optimistic about Microsoft’s stake in the smartphone market. The expectation was that after a few months of intense marketing and time for users to get used to the differences and advantages that WP7 brings to the table, sales would steadily increase to make WP7 the third major player in the mobile world. It shouldn’t necessarily be called “Nodo –gate,” but the PR nightmare that this update has become is not going to bode well for phone sales.

Watching Microsoft flounder about on the release of the first update to its preeminent mobile software is an uncomfortable experience. WP7 is do-or-die for the company that had been attempting to beat out Android and iOS with a significantly subpar Windows Mobile 6.5 OS. It’s do-or-die, and it’s late. If you’re going to risk your whole mobile strategy on a late to the market OS, it has to be good the first time, and if you need to issue an update, it better be as smooth as butter.


Comment Re:actually, (Score 1) 1148

Good post ... until this, "Patents do more harm then good FACT" "Unregulated-Capitalism never works FACT USA isnt a real, working, democracy FACT We dont know who did the 9/11 attacks -> some people know" The government's many extensions of Patent and Copyright laws are part of that Regulated Capitalism that is supposed to be so good ... right? Purely Unregulated Capitalism Is the ONLY moral trade system, (Crony Capitalism AKA Regulated Capitalism has some problems -- Google "Detroit") USA is a Constitutional Republic FACT (Direct democracy == mob rule, not fun) The truth about the 9-11 airliner attacks? Yes some people know that two jets, hijacked by Saudi nationals, were flown into the NYC Twin Towers, killing thousands of people and subsequently driving our economy into the present depression. Some people do know that indeed. The disaster in Japan will have similar worldwide economic impact. I can hardly wait.

Comment Re:The next generation... (Score 1) 342

The public will react the same way that they reacted to fifty years of nuclear fallout. Don't accurately measure the radiation dosage to start with and you can never attribute the mass death and suffering to the radiation exposure! Easy peasy. As long as you feel safe on the airplane, all other worries go roght out the window.

Comment Re:I can't wait. (Score 1) 72

Actually it was an aluminum crankcase, and a cast iron head ... the head gaskets would wear out because of the different heat expansion properties between the two metals. The heavy head also made the engine top heavy and so it would rattle around in the engine compartment like Michael J. Fox on cocaine. ~ Also owned one and did not hate it.

Comment Re:most advanced? (Score 1) 72

"strongest, fastest, most dexterous and most technologically advanced humanoid robot"!!! It almost sounds like it's an article from North Korea, or a 1970's Soviet claim about their great new Russian cars. The robot itself? A bit pathetic really.

Submission + - US court rules against FCC on `net neutrality' (

PoliTech writes: "A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Federal Communications Commission lacks the authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks."

Journal Journal: Microsoft Technical Account Manager nightmare 1

I just had a call from our Microsoft Technical Account Manager and after ten minutes or so of him talking about his tax problems, we finally get around to talking about my MSI and Microsoft Group Policy problem with the new 64 bit GPMC on 64 bit Windows 7 and 64 bit Windows Server R2. (Bugs be tharrrr)

User Journal

Journal Journal: I had the neatest thing happen on the train ride home 2

We had to work a bit late and my boss and I ended up on the 9:40pm train. We got there just in the nick of time.

Now it's the late train and that means its the "milk run", with the train stopping at every stop. (express trains during rush hour help make getting to and from downtown a lot less stressful and a little cheaper than driving, but I digress)

An extra twenty minutes of train ride, great!

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