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User Journal

Journal Journal: Line: Ah, to be 50 again.

Working on a report for someone in her late 70s over the phone, i lamented on being 50 when i took off my glasses and got close to the laptop to read the small letters on the screen. Her response: Ah, to be 50 again.

It made me smile. It's refreshing to hear things put in perspective.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Vignette: Database programmer, Access. 2

Just the other day someone told me that he was a database programmer. So, i asked him which database. He said, "Access". I snickered (and remebered Brent Ozar's tweet on the subject).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Verbiage: First POST 1

So, i'm writing a program/dll to make API calls to a data provider. For the API itself, disregarding authentication, i have only implemented GETs. Well, i just did a POST and after verifying it worked, i thought to myself, "that was my first post". At which point, i felt a strong need to post that here.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Chronicle: I got a ticket

There is a Michigan Left directly opposite the exit of a busy parking lot. It's difficult to explain a mindset, but there are three major reasons you exit: to go straight to the turnaround, to turn right onto the street, to turn right and get on the freeway. All three options are common.

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
