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Comment Re:kernel developers on Macs - that would be me (Score 1) 360

I wish more Slashdoters would validate that they are an expert in an area before mouthing off their (frequently) uniformed opinion.

I am a renowned expert in arrogance and self-importance.

I cite my lengthy history of Slashdot comments.

And I wish more Slashdotters would have a little sense of humor about themselves. All I did was stick a tiny pin in it the second time the above poster mentioned that "my name is in the changelog".

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

You're equivocating about the term "racism", using the term on the one hand to refer to the existence of small extremist groups

When you say, "small extremist groups" are you referring to the police, state governments and the Republican party?

Comment Re:Rather Than in more out (Score 4, Insightful) 484

Custom OS is not about what is in it but all about what is left out. Custom OS for appliances that only has in it what is actually necessary for that appliance

Your mouth to Microsoft and Apple's ears. I want an OS that does nothing but run my programs and stay out of my way. I can get my own browser thanks.

If y'all could just get Linux to run current AAA games, and some professional music & audio software, I'd never spend another nickel with Microsoft or Apple.

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

there are also those screaming "racist" at everything even when it isnt and it seems to have been this way for the past 10 years now here.

I can't imagine why anyone would see racism in today's USA.


Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

come to america, people are still complaining about things that happened 150 years ago!

Yeah, the South is still pissed they lost the Civil War and had to give up their slaves. They're so pissed that they still fly the flag of their disgraced treasonous effort.

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 2) 1307

Those loans were made irresponsibly, to a country that the bankers knew could not afford to repay them. The people who made them didn't expect to get paid back by Greece, they expected to get paid back by another EMF bailout of Greece.

Not just irresponsibly, but with predatory intent.

The IMF is a payday loan outfit. They're a loan shark who's happy to lend your restaurant money to stay in business with the hope that when you can't pay, they'll burn you down for the credit default swaps. The IMF are some of the evilest SOBs on the planet.

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

Central banks are not funded by taxpayers. The IMF for example was funded by the US in a budget-neutral manner, as an exchange of assets. Translation: the IMF's money is created out of thin air. That the IMF won't give Greece any of their created money is shameful, sociopathic, criminal, and utterly unnecessary.

That was the first post to show actual insight into the situation.

Comment Re:Good for greece (Score 0) 1307

I really don't think they'll have much say in the matter.

Of course they have a say in the matter. Wait until tomorrow to see the panicked offers of help from Germany, because make no mistake, if Greece leaves the Euro, it's worse for Germany and England than it is for Greece.

Greece will survive. The Euro may not, now that people realize that the whole thing was a scam and the loan shark can be chased out of town.

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