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Comment Re:Who wears a watch these days (Score 1) 290

My Pebble works throughout my house. It's a 2400 square foot two-story, and when I'm cleaning the car, working on a bike, or gardening - I tend to leave the phone on the fireplace mantle (near the middle of the house). My Pebble maintains connection with it, no problem. When a call comes in, I know if I need to clean up and go call back, or can just ignore it for later.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

Cool. So we agree she DID do it. You have your proof. Straight from her own mouth.

Oh, and what she did was against State Department regulations. I particularly like the 2011 regulation that Clinton herself signed where employees are warned to "Avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts." I guess HRC didn't send a single e-mail after that date, did she?

She broke regulations, she covered it up, she's destroyed any possible evidence of wrongdoing. If that's the person you want in charge of the Government, well...

Comment $2000 per year for 10 people? (Score 1) 332

Sign me up! My wife and I use VERY little water (no lawn, few flowers, irrigate about 6 minutes total per week; short showers, 2 loads of laundry a week) and we're paying $200 per month. We live in Ventura, CA. So if It's $400 per YEAR for both of us - I'm all for it! Desalinated water is cheaper than what we pay right now - why aren't we moving to it immediately?

Comment Re:Pffff... Magnitude 7? (Score 2) 63

Interesting... That certainly wasn't the case back in the mid 2000s. At least for the shanty town on the side of the road down to Valparaiso. I loved my time living in Chile (Vina del Mar, Valparaiso, Renaca), and it's easily the best country in South America to live in, but there was certainly a lot of shoddy construction quality...

Comment Re:Good God... (Score 1) 383

Other than the issue with the Article referenced (Article 1?), what does revenue and war powers have to do with negotiating treaties with another nation? What will stop the Obama Administration from negotiating a treaty with Iran, given that the President faces zero political repercussions for the future?

Comment Re:MAD does not apply (Score 2) 383

Even if Iran does not use weapons directly, they can provide small nuclear devices to terrorist groups.

They can but they won't. Fissile material has an isotopic signature that's as unique as your DNA. Any nuclear weapon detonated by a non-state actor would immediately be traced back to its source by the global community.

Question: how do we know the signature of the Iranian fissile material, since we don't have access to their fissile material in the first place?

Comment Re:MAD does not apply (Score 1) 383

So, Iran is going to get from a device the size of semi truck (assuming that they ever do, that is now decades away) to a suitcase bomb in a year

Nah, just build a semi-truck sized weapon, put it into a 40 foot container, stick it on an ocean freighter, and when it arrives in the port of LA/NY/Houston/Seattle, have it detonate. Prior to screening at the port. Yeah, won't maximize the number of people killed, but would pretty much destroy the port, wipe out massive amounts of infrastructure (water and sewage treatment plants tend to be near the coastline) and still kill a sizable number.

Comment Re:Isreal (Score 1) 383

Global humanity fucked up when we let Isreal have nuclear weapons and shit all over the NPT.

...Scans the list of signatories to the NPT... Huh, I don't see Israel on there...

BUT - I do see Iran! Curious how they're working out a deal to continue seeking nuclear weapons, even though they signed a treaty to not do so...

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