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Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 0) 778

"Gotta love libertarian logically fallacious reasoning. Calling something a name constitutes an argument, apparently."

Projection. Unlike you, I made an argument. Which you carefully inch around without facing.

"Quality of life is not an entitlement and is only possible through joint investment from every member of society."

First bit of sense you've posted, though I am sure you will misinterpret it and make more nonsense out of it given time.

"Why do Americans continually ignore the examples of Scandinavian and German public education"

Who does that?

You do that.

I actually lived in Scandinavia and noted with approval that the school system in the country where I was at is nearly exactly what Libertarians have been proposing in this country for many decades.

As to Germany? The Prussian model is where US schools started. Even the Germans have moved on and improved, while the US sticks doggedly to Fichtes baby.

Really, you should educate yourself before you spout off. You're embarrassing yourself, or at least you would be if you were capable of shame.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 0) 778

"Which is what we call TAXES."

No, they are different things entirely.

Here's the test - can you decline to pay the fee, and therefore to use the service? No? It's a tax.

"Libertarians that oppose the notion of a fair minimum wage is using slavery."

Total BS, typical socialist mind-rot. "Fair" and "minimum wage' do not fit together, first off. What is fair can only be determined by consensual transactions arrived at in a competitive environment. Minimum wage laws outlaw consensual transactions with the goal of preventing a competitive environment. They are opposites, they do not go together.

"And intelligent and rationality requires education on mass, which libertarians also don't want to pay for, making libertarianism a self-defeating system."

More nonsense. Education is critically important, yes, which is exactly why we need a competitive market for it, rather than a monopoly state-run Prussian school system. We want to pay for the former, and quit wasting money on the latter.

Comment Re:completely subjective (Score 2) 100

"Money certainly has no intrinsic value in nature."

Money does not exist, as such, in nature. It's a characteristic human adaption - a symbolic medium of exchange allows sharing of information resulting in more efficient economic decisions. It's no exageration to say that it is foundational to civilization, at least as important as the mastery of fire or the wheel.

Comment Re:Pairing? (Score 1, Insightful) 236

"Too bad the PowerPC machines *couldn't run the damn games* or the requisite MS Office suites for students and business people to use them."

Too bad people insist on relying on brittle opaque binaries instead of real software. Real software can be ported and recompiled, allowing its users to migrate freely between architectures - from MIPS to Alpha to PPC to x86, for example - quite freely.

Comment Re:Which alternative exists? (Score 0) 34

Can you really have so much trouble understanding the difference between WEALTH and INCOME?

Let's try a water analogy. One lake has 10million gallons of water in storage, and at the moment has no water flowing into it at all. The other is essentially dry, with a mere 500 gallons available. It is receiving water at a rate of 500 gallons/hour, however it is currently releasing 498 gallons/hour to satisfy downstream obligations.

Which of these two lakes controls more water?

Comment Re:Which alternative exists? (Score 0) 34

"The platforms that I see Ron Paul preach about the most often all share the common connection of reducing the tax burden of the top earners"

Yes, EARNERS. People that work for their money. They should get to keep more of it. THAT is something libertarians both left and right agree on.

What you claimed was "The libertarian party wants to give more power to the people with the most money."

These two things are not the same thing. Not even CLOSE to the same thing.

The people with the most money are the ones that have effective control of; first and foremost, the Federal Reserve, the large banks, and the companies that receive the bulk of our 'defense' and 'law enforcement' budgets. They may or may not have high income - one does not need income when one controls capital.

What you are doing is conflating the guy that's out there working his tail off to be the best in his field, draw a salary proportionate, and desperately hoping to retire in time to enjoy raising a family; with the guy that can and does buy and sell Senators and has never had to work for a living.

The other side of Pauls platform is about reducing the power of the Fed, reducing the power up for grabs to regulatory capture, reducing the resources devoted to corporate welfare. That's how you actually do something about the people that have it all.

Punitive taxation on incomes is easy for them to evade, and only hurts the innocent.

Comment Re:Which alternative exists? (Score 1) 34

"That's not a good thing. You're telling me there's a whole bunch of people who share similar consistent values, and have worked for decades (if not longer, the values of LP existed before the official party existed) promoting those values, and yet still have consistently failed to stop the growing government, who is apparently much less coherent or capable of satisfying its members"

The government has the advantage of being able to take money out of our pocket, and spend it against us, more or less at-will.

And we could go on for ages about all the other ways the Duopoly party is entrenched and what a massive disadvantage we started at - and anyone who wants any sort of change in this country starts at.

All considered, I would say we have actually done very well. Don't forget we won several Republican primaries last time and were only defeated with the most shameless series of dirty tricks seen at a national convention since '68, if not before.

Yes, it's bad news that we havent won yet, and arent likely to win immediately, but the good news is that momentum is on our side now, and so are the majority of the american people, on several of our most important issues.

The cup may be half empty but that means it's half full. A few decades ago that was nowhere near true.

Comment Re:Which alternative exists? (Score 0) 34

"there is an argument to be made that there really is no libertarian party in this country - or at least, none that can possibly encompass the values of all the people who call themselves libertarians."

To a degree that is true, but less so of the LP than any other parties we can compare it to. The LP platform has remained remarkably consistent for decades, and there is little in any incarnation of it that many libertarians would have more than minor quibbles with.

"His platform, beyond any shadow of a doubt, embraces the values that I outlined above."

You are, beyond any shadow of a doubt, wrong. It's not a near miss, you are not even on the same planet.

Comment Re:Which alternative exists? (Score 1) 34

"The libertarian party wants to give more power to the people with the most money, which just reinforces this problem."

That's simply not true. It's a leftie-progressive-whatever-you-call-it-this-week bullshit propaganda line and always has been.

Libertarians want to first remove power from interpersonal dealings insofar as possible, and only secondarily devolve whatever power cannot be removed entirely and spread it out as evenly as possible rather than letting it centralize and metastasize into a capitol and imperial beaureacracy.

Comment The good news? (Score 0) 131

It sounds like these two will soon be executed. Without being in favor of the death penalty it sounds like it may well have a silver lining in this case. If the facts are as presented, at least, it's probably a very good thing they wont be reproducing again.

Still, surgical sterilization would do the job as well, and unlike the death penalty, it is at least possible it could be reversed, should it eventually come out that the two were somehow framed and not really guilty.

Comment Kudos to Dennis Fisher (Score 0) 75

For writing an article about IT-criminals in which he refers to them as IT-criminals.

Even if it does appear on a page with a prominent link to another article which misuses the term 'hackers' in its very title. I am sure that was beyond his personal control.

Also it sounds like some really good programming! 20kb compiled, and full functional. From <a href="https://www.csis.dk/en/csis/news/4303/">this report</a> it appears that it's written in assembler. Does anyone have a link to the actual code?

Comment Re:Needs functionality (Score 2) 381

"I guess if you didn't turn it on, and I'm calling BS."

I had a laptop of that era that lasted me days between charges at times, and the battery on it was old, I could easily see it going weeks with light use and a fresh battery.

It had a low power monochrome display, and was mostly solid state. The only moving disk was the 3.5" floppy, the OS was built in on ROM, it had 2mb RAM so there was plenty for ramdisk. The only thing that really hit the battery at all was the floppy, and with the ramdisk that didnt need to be hit very often.

Just because it isnt part of your experience does not mean it didnt exist.

Comment Re:self-correcting (Score 0) 30


Which is why I do not in any way defer to their judgements, but make my own.

"To draw truths from reading for yourself."

Drawing truths from the book with the longest continuous editorial history known to man, one that warns you it has been tampered with by scribes with lying pens (Jeremiah 8:8) is not an easy thing, it is a puzzle. But our creator gave us rational minds to solve puzzles with.

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