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Comment Whats the take home? (Score 1) 193

After taxes, medical and 6% retirement, what about 55k (or more depending if you have state taxes, local taxes, house taxes, etc).. .

4.5K a month. Nice apartment close to work will cost 1500 bux, insurance/gas/car payment 500 bux, leave you 2500 a month, basic utils 500 bux.
2K a month. After food, eating out, pub, movies. Comfortable life but I wouldnt say rich.

And you'll need around 200K to live in the Bay area to make up for the Rent, state taxes, etc.

Go ahead and correct me, I just guestimated.

Comment Re:Why would he? (Score 1, Flamebait) 312

>Obama is part of the system that created the problem in the first place.

Funny you can mention that now and get upvoted. If you mentioned that back during the first election it was "racist this, and racist that" you just dont want a black president! Then he got the Nobel peace prize, and few of us said, he didnt do anything to warrant it and was down voted.

Track record speaks volumes.

Comment Re:reversed "with the stroke of a pen" (Score 1) 312

With everyone hating on the R's the D' President is allowing NSA spying and even went after whistle blowers....

All I hear on the news is people bitching about the issues and republicans, where is the outrage for D's?

The US has spousal abuse syndrome for politicians. He only hits me because he loves me. I stand by my elected official..

Comment 2 party system (Score 2) 138

So we have the Republicans how act like Daddy and tells you what is morally correct and tries to force it with laws. Then we have Mommy Democrats who tells you how to behave with others and spend your money. How about we get a 3rd party (maybe a few) that agree to stay out of or personal and finacial lives.

I cant see any reason we need to make it easier for companies to turn metadata or straight up personal data to the government. And both parties fall over themselves when it comes to self serving federal laws.

And for those people complain that a libertarian party are the ones who would allow EPA disasters, schools to go unfunded, no fire/police departments are just using scare tactics to keep the status quo. So damn simple... Keep the gov outta our personal, private and capitalist transactions. Why is this so hard to understand?

Comment VR vs AR (Score 1) 108

I'm more interested in AR than VR. Oculus is VR, and Google Glass and CastAR which seems useful for daily life. Most of the VR I see are either modeling or video games. AR I can see additional information on my current work, personal assistant providing information in my daily life, assisting in my current job and providing additional information to any task I'm doing.

Apps like Augment need to take off. I'd love an overlay when I look at a back of a switch or router that the ports light up with names. Or looking at a EMC and the cables could change colors so I can see which are plugged in. Maybe look around the room, and my remote lights up with a big arrow so I know where its hiding. Could even have AR assist you while you type, just as pop up boxes or IDE dialogs.

Oculus seems to me more for entertainment, which facebook is.

Comment Charter school... (Score 3, Informative) 233

Many many decades ago, I went to a charter school for k-6th grade. The school had to allow everyone in the area as part of its opening up in a richer suburb. I lived along the border and was included in the school map. School had computers while only the jr high and high schools. My parents could have never afforded to to send me to a private school with lower population sizes and computers. I was lucky. And being a poor rowdy kid, they never kicked me out. Lucky that's where I got my introduction into computers.

Only thing I'd like to see is smaller classes, and charter schools on average have higher. This is supposedly with them kicking poor performing kids out. But charter schools differ so much, there is no "standard" model used. I think we can all agree smaller classrooms with more individual help is what schools should have, but thats gets very expensive. I'd rather take all those billions of dollars in state taxes on alcohol and marijuana taxes go to directly fund schools instead...

Comment Re:Plain enough. (Score 3, Informative) 171

Bullshit. Potus has WAY more power than you think. He can ask the Justice department to investigate why the judges only rubber stamp, he can use presidential orders to direct departments or how to interpretation the law, he can fire US attorneys, he has his cabinet members he can fire, he could even fire the the head of the CIA/FBI and Homeland security for misconduct by asking the AG to fire them, and so much more powers.

Comment Thoughts on SCOTUS (Score 1) 211

I'm rather tired an annoyed how SCOTUS can wreck and change laws by simply interpreting them differently.

Yes sometimes they rule in societies best interests. As they legalized being gay.
Example, Texas tells the court Its legal to be gay but not have gay sex, SCOTUS's comment "and the difference is?" and now being gay is legal.

Eminent domain and how they think the public use now means private use as in developers taking land is ok. And being paid fair market value? No, sorry.

The Whitehouse went to SCOTUS for ACA (Obamacare) for its "mandate" payments that under the tax code are taxes, but told the court it wasnt a tax. The court could have easily agreed with the whitehouse and said "if you say its not a tax, is thrown out" But they said, smells like a tax, its written under tax law, its a tax. Thats the fine line, but making people buy unregulated products aka healthcare and calling it a tax? Cherry pick which pieces to of law to rule on.

Now, pot is legal in Washington and Colorado. An act that could have landed you in PRISON, something how will the court rule on that? Are we suppose to believe something illegal yesterday that could ruin your life if the law was concerned, is no perfectly ok.

Taking the real world action and moving it to the "cloud", the same thing anyone can do legally, but since a company can do it on a mass scale its a crime.
We make all thes laws, rules and regulations to try to protect the public from abusive laws, whats more abusive that keeping technology in the dark ages under some corporate greed?

If we can see federal courts on different sides of the United states DISAGREE on the same cases, maybe we can relialize these courts are holding back innovation and growth with negative laws.

Take patent trolls, some courts kiss patent trolls asses, then some courts rule against them like the Nintendo case.

Then there is Apple suing everying in the world that mentions Android. Android is so big of a tech boost in so many markets in so many diverse sectors, its creating new businesses and ideas.

Bah, its Friday and after 5, enough of this and time to goto the pub.

Comment Re:Clever? (Score 2) 229

This is anti-net neutrality under a different name. The throttle mechanism is supra-data cap charges instead of literal throttling.

No it isn't. Since bandwidth is now a metered product, this is noting more than a network 800 number. The speeds are the same, it is just a question of who pays.

Its really simple, as an ISP, if you make your own services faster by purposly making others slow or cost more, thats against net neutrality.

AT&T is including their own services as unmetered so customers will want to use them over others. AT&T offers owncloud an online storage you pay for monthly, yet now bandwidth is excluded. They even let you back up your home PC and Phone's internal/external storage.

This is the the heart of network nuterality, an ISP's (Which AT&T is), charging more to use competitors services. So now AT&T can offer Email, Storage, Video/Picture sharing, for FREE yet charge you to use Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc using bandwidth costs.

This is no different than Comcast wanting to charge more for Netflix bandwidth, they found a work around by capping the data, and excluding their own Comcast Video On Demand service from the data cap. They would love to slow down the service and make HD unusable, but the horse is out of the barn, people are more educated now.

The end goal is customer lock in. They get you using their services, you dont want to move due to the hassle of data migration and costs. AT&T wants to lock customers in so badly they are offering to buy out your T-Mobile contract to get you to move.

AT&T isnt listening to its customers on what services they want or need, they are offering competing services but not new or improved services. Where is the core funcationality upgrades to voicemail and access controls. Where are the automated phone answering services with features? Overlay features such as temporary phone numbers for craiglist/ebay sales?, Location based services open to app developers, high priority data for business needs, bluetooth enabled services, payment services?

They are at the core of everything mobile related, yet they sit on their asses until its too late then try to limit other businesses by deceptive practices. They cripple phones for their own business purposes, they dont disable data roaming and people get hit with tens of thousands in data roaming charges, they over charge lines to the elderly, they charge for basics in a way to nickle and dime customers.

They should offer a good business model that enables services and growth, not try to be the big duoploy (verizon/att) and cripple competition.

Comment Cool thing about panels. (Score 4, Insightful) 242

They only make recommendations, nobody has to implement them.

Police chiefs do this all the time for police corruption. Look I'm putting a panel together to look into these problems and make recommendations. See! I'm doing something about it! Oh, the Union/Mayor/DA/etc wont agree, sad panda, I tried, vote for me again....

Playing the public like fools.


Comment Re:Oh Man- My Lightshow (Score 1) 400

Thats one thing I loved about Winamp, all the plugins. Nothing really compares to the visual plugin workshops and the huge selection is awesome. But for simple day 2 day playing of mp3s I've moved onto foobar, I had to tweak a plugin to add ratings to mp3s idtag but its fast and works great.
For android, poweramp is great and works well with bluetooth metadata. Always thought a full screen classic winamp display on android would have been awesome, but they didnt do that as an option.

I remember back on my 60mhz pentium desktop barely able to play high quality mp3s using Winplay3. Ahh the memories.

Comment Really. (Score 2) 137

Doesnt do any good, if the law enforcement organizations (etc), have a warrant they can record all traffic from your IP/Phone. Depends on the company, but at AT&T Wireless they could turn on full sniffing from a mobiles internet traffic and record all TCP/UDP and even overlay it with location based service (tower strength triangulation). My boss said they had a group to assist in warrants, but after I setup the servers and routers, I NEVER saw an email, name or department identified, and I worked there for years setting up hardware from old packet data to 3G routers before I left.

So anyways, they record the entire SSL handshake so they can decrypt the session. You too can even try it for yourself in wireshark.

And who knows what is going on at the AT&T datacenters in those secret rooms...

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