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Comment Re:Almost all students of orca believe... (Score 2) 395

...y human contact with wild Orcas is extremely rare...

There is an entire whale (orca) watching tourist sector here in the Pacific Nothwest to GUARANTEE you will spot some orcas. Granted you will not be swimming with them, but there are many companies with multiple trips daily. This doesn't include private boats or kayaks. Many people, including scientists, say the wild orcas have a real sense of curiosity, and will come up to the boats to see what is going on. If they really were that aggressive, it would be too easy for them to grab a snack or two.

Comment Re:Really? That's a question? (Score 1) 71

I think you and I disagree on a fundamental point.
You feel that disasters happen, and that you should be prepared (by having insurance)
I feel that disasters are rare. Most (not all) disasters are also avoidable IMNSHO.

As an example, my car has been broken into twice in the last 15 years. (my car is very easily broken into...) On the first occasion, they got a laptop and some other stuff, on the second occasion they got about $5.00 in parking change. Let's say the two thieves got away with $1000 in goods and $500 in damage (I am probably being generous...). So $1500 in 15 years, or $100 per year. I pay way more than that in insurance. Oh, and insurance did not cover any of the expenses. I could have fought it, but the deductible was $200, and my rates would have gone up. How is this a good idea for me again?

Comment Re:Really? That's a question? (Score 2) 71

so in other words, insurance motivates you to do things you should do anyway. And for the privilege of this knowledge you get to pay them less. The other alternative is to do these things anyway.... Yes I know that, in theory, insurance can be a way to balance risk over a wider group. However, much modern insurance is a money grabbing scam. Most people are way over insured, and pay more in premiums that the realistic risk.

Comment Re:already passing it (Score 2) 414

Yes I am using a small underpowered smartphone (I got it because I don't want to carry around a huge slab of a phone). As mentioned below, there are a number of sites that don't allow zooming (and I tend to avoid those sites when I find them), also things like images do not gain clarity when zoomed in. I used to have VERY good eyes, but some sites use very small thin fonts, and even on my desktop screen, they are a bit difficult to read. Sometimes designers thing form trounces function...

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