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Comment Re:Not true at all (Score 1) 447

Your point 4 is really complete bullshit and you either have no clue what you are talking about or are lying directly. In any case you are full of shit. Simple proof: Just obfuscate the Ada code and not the C code. And you want to include a _runtime_ environment with a library? Do you even know what a library is and what a catastrophe that would be? Apparently not. The rest of your "insights" is of equally low quality.

Comment Not possible (Score 2) 612

Or rather not applicable. Physics is not accessible to mathematics, Mathematics is just a tool physics uses on formalized abstractions of physics. These abstractions _always_ introduce inaccuracies, and hence no mathematical proof can ever apply to physics directly or absolutely. Mathematics can just not bridge these transformation steps. That is the tasks of Physics.

Comment Re:Not true at all (Score 5, Insightful) 447

OpenSSL would be meaningless and not in use if it had been written in ADA. Also, ADA is not at all the "magic bullet" some people make it out to be. In fact, it suffers from unreadable code even more than clean C code. Also remember that this is a library. Unless ADA allows creating libraries with "C" bindings in ADA, it is not even usable for the task. And if you invest the same time on the C side, you get a similar level of quality. Hell, this bug would have been found with some halfway competent fuzzing or completely avoided with mandatory time-of-use checking of all bounds. Which secure coding guidelines can make mandatory, unless you explicitly explain in each instance where you omit it why this is ok.

Sure, languages play an important role, but it always falls back to Assembler-level (or C if you want to be somewhat portable) and there competent people can do all things that imperative languages can do. The problem with most languages is that they restrict too much what you can do and/or foster bloat and/or have intransparent behavior.

I have done Eiffel, Sather, Python, Lua, Pascal, Modula, Haskell, Gofer, Prolog, Lisp, C++, several assembler variants, Basic, Java, JavaScript, Pizza, and some more things. I am back to doing all "library" level things in C and the glue in Python or Lua (or C where that is not an option). Basically all OO languages suck badly, except Eiffel, which unfortunately it too exotic to be useful. Functional languages are nice and compact for some things, but suffer from interfacing problems. (Will have a look at Erlang though, that may be better.) Logical languages have some value in some specific situations, but do not even approach "general purpose". C++ and Java are bloated, intransparent, non-orthogonal atrocities made by people that do not understand OO. These languages typically make things worse unless you have really experienced and capable people. The typical mediocre-to-bad coders just throw the features of these languages around indiscriminately, resulting in an awful mess. IDEs make that worse as suddenly it becomes easy to write more code and distribute it into even more files.

Yes, you need discipline, experience and insight to do things well in C. The current OpenSSL disaster shows all three are missing in the OpenSSL team. Yes, many C programmers suffer from a terminal desire to place efficiency above everything else. But that problem is with the programmer, not the language. And you get just the same stupid mistakes in other languages and they add their own problems.

That is not to say C is a good language. It is (besides assembler) just the only language where code quality rests completely with the coder and that does not stand in the way of the coder. It is the only "native" language if you do not want to do assembler and that gives it a special place and all that cannot work competently with it a clear limitation. At the same time, all approaches to force people to write "good code" by language features and restrictions that force them to do so have failed. There is even bloated, unreadable, unreliable code in Python or Eiffel, and you have to really work at that in these languages.

After being in this for 30 years and having seen and reviewed countless pieces of code by others, I am convinced that language selection is mostly irrelevant. The only thing language can give you is problems in the form of restrictions. If the coder is not top-notch, the code will suck and be insecure, slow, unreliable and unmaintainable, regardless of the language used. If the coder is top-notch, the code will be secure, fast, reliable and easy to maintain, mostly regardless of language used (within the restrictions the language comes with). However a top-notch coder will know or be able to figure out fast what a specific language can do and what its restrictions are and know early whether it is suitable for a specific project or not.

Of course, that said, you are right that people that want to do everything in one specific language (often Java these days, and unfortunately often C historically) are typically 1-trick ponies that do not even know what it means to code, and typically can manage barely in that one language. They will of course always argue that their one language is best because they do not really know any other and deep down know they are grossly incompetent.

Comment Re:not a single mistake, symptom of bigger problem (Score 2) 447

Indeed. While both this person and the reviewer messed up badly and their competence is rightfully in question, they were also set-up by omission of basically everything you need to do to produce secure code in OpenSSL and by sabotage (likely due to terminal stupidity) of safeguards that _were_ available.

To produce a catastrophe, several people have to screw up spectacularly. This is what happened here. Quite often, when you dig down, you find a combination of big egos and small skills.


Nat Geo Writer: Science Is Running Out of "Great" Things To Discover 292

Hugh Pickens DOT Com (2995471) writes "John Horgan writes in National Geographic that scientists have become victims of their own success and that 'further research may yield no more great revelations or revolutions, but only incremental, diminishing returns.' The latest evidence is a 'Correspondence' published in the journal Nature that points out that it is taking longer and longer for scientists to receive Nobel Prizes for their work. The trend is strongest in physics. Prior to 1940, only 11 percent of physics prizes were awarded for work more than 20 years old but since 1985, the percentage has risen to 60 percent. If these trends continue, the Nature authors note, by the end of this century no one will live long enough to win a Nobel Prize, which cannot be awarded posthumously and suggest that the Nobel time lag 'seems to confirm the common feeling of an increasing time needed to achieve new discoveries in basic natural sciences—a somewhat worrisome trend.' One explanation for the time lag might be the nature of scientific discoveries in general—as we learn more it takes more time for new discoveries to prove themselves.

Researchers recently announced that observations of gravitational waves provide evidence of inflation, a dramatic theory of cosmic creation. But there are so many different versions of 'inflation' theory that it can 'predict' practically any observation, meaning that it doesn't really predict anything at all. String theory suffers from the same problem. As for multiverse theories, all those hypothetical universes out there are unobservable by definition so it's hard to imagine a better reason to think we may be running out of new things to discover than the fascination of physicists with these highly speculative ideas. According to Keith Simonton of the University of California, 'the core disciplines have accumulated not so much anomalies as mere loose ends that will be tidied up one way or another.'"

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