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Comment Step one: normalize everyone's ratings (Score 4, Insightful) 265

If customer A consistently gives lower-than-average ratings, scale their reviews upward to that a "3" from them is a "5" from someone else. If they consistently give "5" rating but give a "1" to a particular driver, then pay attention to that deviation.

Same for drivers: if B frequently gives "1" ratings to passengers, then that's a roundabout way of saying that B is a difficult jerk and you can ignore those.

Comment Re:No way! (Score 2) 514

The enlightened self interest angle is that I don't want corporations treating H-1Bs like crap, because it enables the companies to get them for cheap, which depresses salaries in my career path. I want companies to have to treat H-1B visa holders well because 1) it's the right thing to do, and 2) so that I'm not competing against guys who'll work for 2/3 my salary for fear of being deported.

Comment Re:No way! (Score 5, Insightful) 514

LOL that's precious. Meanwhile, the H-1B employees I know - my personal friends, people I hang out with and trust - describe a legal hellscape that's pretty much exactly indentured servitude. One of them managed to escape a bad situation by hooking up with a major corporation who could expedite the process to have the transfer done within a couple of months. That's two months of walking on eggshells so that they didn't get fired and deported. Another wasn't quite as lucky and had to ship out to the European branch of their new employer so that they can come back to America in a year or so, presuming everything is in order by then.

You're on crack if you think an H-1B isn't a recipe for suckishness. Regardless of what it hypothetically sounds like on paper, the situations I witnessed firsthand were terrible for the workers involved.


New Advance Confines GMOs To the Lab Instead of Living In the Wild 130

BarbaraHudson (3785311) writes In Jurassic Park, scientists tweak dinosaur DNA so that the dinosaurs were lysine-deficient in order to keep them from spreading in the wild. Scientists have taken this one step further as a way to keep genetically modified E. coli from surviving outside the lab. In modifying the bacteria's DNA to thwart escape, two teams altered the genetic code to require amino acids not found in nature. One team modified the genes that coded for proteins crucial to cell functions so that that produced proteins required the presence of the synthetic amino acid in the protein itself. The other team focused on 22 genes deemed essential to a bacterial cell's functions and tied the genes' expression to the presence of synthetic amino acids. For the bacteria to survive, these synthetic amino acids had to be present in the medium on which the bacteria fed. In both cases, the number of escapees was so small as to be undetectable."

Comment Re:Wirthian syntax ... (Score 1) 648

Python has a PEP (think RFC) for that. It says:

Use 4 spaces per indentation level. [...] Spaces are the preferred indentation method. Tabs should be used solely to remain consistent with code that is already indented with tabs.

That's the the near-universal style almost everyone used anyway, so it was more of a hypothetical than practical issue anyway.

Comment Re:So not Python, but VB? (Score 1) 648

I also disagree about C being "incredibly complex for a beginner".

One of the things I disliked about a data structures class using C was that you had to learn a fair amount of boilerplate and memory management to get up and running. Those are important things, but it's a frustratingly steep learning curve when you're more interested in a structure or an algorithm than you in the language. For example, here's a complete, working linked list in Python:

.class Node(object):
. value = None
. next = None
.head = Node(); head.value = 123
.second = Node(); second.value = 456; = second
.tail = Node(); tail.value = 789; = tail
.node = head
.while node:
. print node.value
. node =

I don't mind C, but it's way too easy to get distracted by coordinating all the moving parts, so that you lose focus on the problem you're trying to solve.

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