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Journal Journal: Existance of life != Water - Methane - Ozone 1

Why is it so important for certain chemicals to be present in order to discover "life"? I know Water is required for human existence, but why do scientists limit their searches for life on the foundation that all life must be carbon-based?

I mean, you always hear things such as:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Forums Converted and LIVE!!!! :)

My conversion worked!! Everything is up and running!!! (I ran my conversion at the end of February... it didn't go live until last Friday..... why you ask? Hell if I know!!!)

MEN Forums

User Journal

Journal Journal: CMS almost in place!!

Sometime today or tomorrow!!! :)

My other conversions are "waiting on info"

But the new and improved site is almost LIVE!!!

Cept I still need to run my Forum Conversion on the old forums.. but they are waiting until the rest of the site is up and running, then the Forums will be implemented..

*fingers crossed*
I sure hope it goes smoothly!!!


User Journal

Journal Journal: Still waiting

Well, I finally got the specs on my new conversion assignment..
Now.. I am "patiently" waiting responses from the team who has created the program that we are converting to..

waiting and waiting and waiting..

Some customer service they have... I'm probably going to have to start emailing daily to see if SOMEONE will address my questions and issues..


User Journal

Journal Journal: Conversion 1 complete

now starting on a new conversion. :)

Not as busy as I'd like to be, but I'm sure that will come in time...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yup.. Happy Friday the 13th

Yeah.. a good number of people were laid off on .. yup, you got it... Friday the 13th.

But I'm baaaack!!! :)

Well, back into the realms of employment anyway.. *grin*

A whole month of downtime...

Damn.. don't want to do THAT again...

User Journal

Journal Journal: I won't know until tomorrow late afternoon


It's the not knowing that is killing me... and everyone else who works here. The tension level is skyrocketing.. stress levels... oh hell..

There is a big black cloud over this building...

And being a small town, EVERYONE is talking...


I just wanna KNOW!!!!!!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Does that cause a problem? *warning - heavy sarcasm* 2

My boss just changed all the field names in a database that I'm inserting into and my co-worker is retrieving information from.

When I asked him what was up, he said he did it to make them more clear to someone who is going to be using a spread sheet. (He added numerical values for the question numbers).

Then he asked:

"Does that cause a problem?"


He became IT Manager HOW?!?!?!??!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Plan for the future..

Today, I got that, what is your plan in the future of our company speech.


I was honest. Yeah, I'd been looking. Nothing yet.

I told 'em I knew I was low man on the totem pole, being the most recently hired programmer.

yes, I KNOW programmers are the bottleneck of a company. (Does EVERYONE use that line?)

Perhaps, a contracted, project by project option may be of interest to me, but only for short term, definitely not for long term.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Roller Coaster

Some days are good, some aren't so good.

My new projects are awesome (except for the fact that I have completed them in less than 2 days time, each), but my original project that has caused so much hell seems to never end, with the Client wanting changes, process changes, page changes, (and it is the process changes that are the worst because they affect everything else).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Interesting

Today we had a company meeting where it was announced that we may possibly but not for certain be losing our main customer / client.

We were told that there would be no raises this year.

But that we are moving forward and next year we would be even better than we are now with new clients and moving forward into the next generation of clients.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Sent this to my boss today..

(Names removed to protect the innocent... and the guilty!)

Good morning boss lady,
I just sent this email to my supervisor, but I wanted to send you a copy as well.


My upload newsletter pages are reverted back.

I remembered that Programming crashed hard on August 9th.
This is approximately the time that things started disappearing.

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