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Comment Re: Waste of money (Score 1) 341

The problem with this hypothesis is that it doesn't explain why woman have been so successful in fields like law and medicine, where they not only faced blatant discrimination, harassment, and discouragement from their peers, but also institutional barriers. Yet women fought through all of that and prevailed. So if you think that "discouragement" is the explanation, you need to explain why it only happens in tech.

Perhaps because law & medicine are centuries old fields and there has been ample time for this to have happened, whereas "tech" is fairly young still.

Comment Re:Terrorists (Score 0) 1350

Islam is petrified of people who think, because thinking people will see it for the racist, facist, evil, misogynistic, hateful, backward pile of war-mongering nastiness that it truly is.

When you make it about one religion, you pretend that it is the only religion with nutbag extremists. It's not. You could replace "Islam" with "Christianity" or a handful of other religions and the rest of your sentence would remain true. Just bear in mind that there are plenty of people in each of those religions who are not afraid of people who think, and are fully committed to being peaceful, productive members of a modern society.

Christians & Muslims get judged a lot by their religion because many people of those religions judge others a lot. Turn-about is fair play.

Comment Re:Kudos to 2nd Amendment activists! (Score 1) 573

It's article 16 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

I wish people like you would quit pretending it doesn't exist.

Comment Re:Girls, girls, girls... (Score 1) 333

it's one thing to have a woman shaving your nether regions in preparation for a surgery or giving you an enema (or similar), but some dude doing it to you introduces a bit of mental discomfort in guys

I can't say I've had to have something like this yet, but it seems to me that this situation would have plenty of mental discomfort regardless of the gender of the technician. When you had your last physical, was the physician the same gender as you or the opposite? Did you care? Why would the gender difference not matter for the doctor, but would for the nurse?

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