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Comment Re:sounds implausible to me (Score 1) 144

Just to back up the parent, TFA is not talking about one all-nighter, but does say that a few days on a "shift work" sleep schedule (whatever that is) has a dramatic effect. To me this reads as if it's more about getting poor quality sleep on a regular basis, rather than "missing sleep."

Bear in mind, the linked article is from CNN, and CNN is NOT known for their deep thoughts or complete, or even accurate, coverage.

Comment Re:What does it cure? (Score 1) 395

The problem is the OP didn't say "suppressing access to natural means of alleviating symptoms", instead he said "suppressing access to natural cures." So, we're talking about natural cures that are suppressed, and marijuana is not an example of one of those, as the GP pointed out. Questions about whether or not other treatments are cures are not relevant.

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