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Comment Re:Just wow. (Score 2) 109

I love how pretty much every country has come to the same conclusion: We can bypass our own laws if we have someone else do it for us.

There's nothing surprising in this. Most countries hire consultants and advisors from the same international legal/accounting firms, who themselves have been trained in the same schools of thought, and often the same universities. The international ascendancy is mostly a mono-culture.

Comment But... (Score 3, Insightful) 115

But, does it bend? After all, that's the point behind fiberoptics, to be able to snake a light beam around corners and through tight spaces so that we don't have to maintain perfect optical alignment over a distance. So, what's the point of this setup? Does it keep moths away by burning them on the outer beams?

Comment Re:Blindly trusting Cisco? (Score 2) 194

If you don't trust Cisco you better get off the internet. Seriously, if you're worried about this, a binary blob running in your web browser is the least of your problems. There's a very good chance that the network hardware at your ISP is Cisco. If it's not, it will likely be Juniper.

Comment Re:bad for standards (Score 2, Insightful) 194

If the open source world releases something (unencumbered with the GPL - i.e., BSD licensed) with encoding and decoding tools that actually works as well or better than the closed alternative, in a timely manner then I'm sure people will use it.

It will never happen. Get used to it. There is far, far less complex stuff in the free desktop that has been broken for the past 20 years and still not fixed.

Comment Re:The Elevator (Score 1) 701

"Good for you, you've decided to clean the elevator!" You have to be of a certain age to know the hilarious movie that came from.

I like, "We're on an express elevator to hell; going down!", better.

Comment Re:Adam West (Score 1) 701

How did Bruce Wayne get away with unlicensed nuclear reactor under his house and where did he get fuel?

Probably the same way he gets away with trespassing, assault and battery, illegal wiretapping, stalking, unsafe operation of a motor vehicle, and a host of other illegal activities.

Comment Re:Allons-y! (Score 1) 701

Well, there was that episode where someone drugged some wine, and everyone who drank it passed out immediately from one sip. The Doctor (Tom Baker) took two full gulps of wine, watched as everyone passed out, and stuttered out the phrase "p-p-potent stuff" before passing out himself. As far as a catch phrase, he was always offering people a jelly baby.

Still, it's not what I would call a "go!" phrase.

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