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Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 206

The Nazis didn't view the Jews as being people either. The first thing you do when you're looking to oppress some group is to fire up the propaganda machine and dehumanize that group. Hell, it was in the Constitution for a while, a slave's counted as 2/3rds of a person. You want to make an argument that marriage is for children, I'm FINE with what, as long as a man and a woman won't be able to get married if they'd be unable to produce children. You never see that in any of those "Marriage Protection" laws, and there'd be riots if you did.

You think the Ferguson police force views the citizens there as people? I think they'd randomly stop and harass them a lot less if they did. It's awfully hard to do that sort of thing to people. It's also a lot harder to be so terrified of them that faced with an unarmed one (person,) with his hands up, you'd point an assault rifle at them and threaten to kill them.

Comment Sure (Score 1) 206

If they're people. Many of the discriminatory laws in the USA over the years are obviously based on the assumption that the discriminated-against group, being different from us, are obviously not people. Take, for example, the current marriage fight. It's pretty easy to make the argument that gays should not be allowed to marry, if you don't consider them to be people. Kind of like how in the '60's, most states didn't allow interracial marriage. That was before we discovered that other races were also people. Though some groups are quite resistant to changing their philosophy on THAT subject. That's why the favorite straw-man argument of those in favor of denying those rights is always "Where does this stop? We'll eventually have to issue a marriage license between a man and his horse!" Sure, if the horse is a person. It's immediately obvious from that argument that the person making it does not consider a homosexual person to actually be a person. But I digress...

Anywhoo, the upshot of that is that if the cyborg is a person, the cyborg should have the same rights as a person, and should damn well be able to marry another cyborg if they want to. I'm not going to allow some uneducated shithead to stand between me and my Sony HD Eyeballs (Now with TerminatorVision(tm)).

Comment Object Vs Primitive (Score 1) 729

In assorted languages. Java and vbscript being particularly problematic, if you're a library programmer. "Oh, I'd like to write this generic container of things but I can't make it generic because some programmer might try to store an int in it :-/" Java's introduced some features to address that, and it's quite easy to solve in vbscript by never programming in vbscript.

Comment I'm Still Bummed Out (Score 1) 167

I'm still bummed out that the "Grapple" isn't some genetic abomination created by a DNA scientist in a lab somewhere. The reality is far more boring. If these scientists wanted to do something truly horrific, they could engineer up a strain of coffee with no caffeine. That's like one step off of building a "Death Ray" and holding the world for hostage with it.

Comment Re:what could possibly go wrong? (Score 1) 261

Yes, in that case they'll probably be at-fault, which really isn't much consolation when you have to stop everything you were planning on doing to deal with your damaged-ass car. And if you're seriously injured or killed in the accident, that will further ruin your day. And if you're really unlucky, the other driver will not be carrying insurance. The only time I've ever been in an accident that involved another driver, the other driver wasn't. And yes, it was required by law in that state. And yes, my insurance was pretty good about paying for my damages while they were suing the bejesus out of them. Took a month to put my car back together, and the body shop really didn't do a very good job of it. So in general if you can avoid an accident, it's really better to do so, no matter whose fault it's going to turn out to be.

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