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Comment Re:God-damn. (Score 2) 138

I have read this three times and I still have no idea what you are talking about.

Option 1: Spend your space $100K on this piece of grey plastic.

Option 2: Spend your spare $100K on food for your local food bank to help families in your community that are feeding their kids Cheerios for dinner. Or worse, sending them to school hungry because this month they had to put a new muffler on the car that they drive 20 miles to work.

I assure you that makes a "damn lot of difference."

Comment God-damn. (Score -1, Flamebait) 138

Time to put my flame suit on.


You want to know why they hate us? *THIS* is why they hate us. $100K for an effing OLD VIDEO GAME?

You know how many schools you could build in Kenya for $100K? How many goats you could buy for needy families? How many girls you could send to school in Afghanistan? How many life-saving vaccinations you could dispense? How many malaria nets? How many wells you could dig?

Hey bidders, if you seriously have this kind of coin go spend it on something that will honestly make a difference in the life of a kid.

Comment Re:Conform or be expelled (Score 1) 320

Also, in many cases, the HOA bylaws are not made available to you until closing.

That is bananas. Here in British Columbia you don't have HOAs, but when you buy a condo or townhouse you fall under the condo board's bylaws. It's perfectly reasonable to ask for them during the due diligence process (and in some cases they're publicly online for all to read, e.g. ).

You may be asked to cover the cost of photocopying them, but that's it.

Comment Re:huh? (Score 1) 300

Except, it has the potential to be many times faster

"Faster" was important when people couldn't afford to be out of contact with the office for 10 hours.

Technology is rapidly making that notion a thing of the past. If you can sit in comfort in first class on an airliner, and be online like you're in the office then it doesn't really matter if it takes you longer to get there.

Comment Cultural Shift (Score 3, Insightful) 840

It's also a cultural shift - When I was a kid, I remember my dad being down in the basement for hours fixing stuff, working on the car or what have you, while my mum took care of us kids. Now that I'm a dad, I'm out at the park with my kids, or taking them to swimming lessons or just doing general Dad stuff. So while I have the aptitude for fixing stuff (likely inherited from my dad), I don't have the time - I'm busy parenting. It's just not acceptable for a Dad to be down in the basement or the garage for hours on end while the mum upstairs is going insane.

Comment Re:frankly, I think it's awesome (Score 1) 437

3 in the last year or so? that's completely unacceptable.

What are the three Airbus A-320 crashes in the 'last year or so' that you're referencing?

I'm an aviation geek and I know of one, for which the cause has not yet been determined. 18+ months ago one ran off the runway in the Philippines, but that was pilot error.

Comment Re:Cat and mouse... (Score 1) 437

Yeah, I understand that. What I don't understand is why the big media conglomerates put such baffling restrictions into their licenses in the first place. Is it to comply with licensing agreements that they made?


For example, NBC licenses Saturday Night Live to Global TV Canada for a millions of dollars.

Global TV Canada now has exclusive rights to 'air' SNL in Canada - On TV, on the web and via their app.

As a result, in Canada I can't watch SNL on or Hulu or Yahoo because those exclusive rights in Canada to my Canadian eyeballs have been licensed to Global TV.

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