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Homicides at the hand of armed gangstars commited against law abidding non gun owners would go up

This is a fallacy.

Hand grenades are banned in the USA - They are highly restricted. However, hand-grenade homocides are not up as a result of hand grenades being banned.

If guns are out of circulation, then many fewer people have them, including criminals.

Comment Re:ANOTHER DEAD BODY! SWEET JUSTICE! (Score 4, Informative) 450

Strict gun laws in the UK didn't prevent that one guy from going on a rampage for half a day and killing and injuring a whole bunch of people, including police.

Of course there will always be edge cases, but the facts speak for themselves -

USA Gun Deaths per 100,000 (2011): 10.3
UK Gun Deaths per 100,000 (2011): 0.25


Comment Re:ANOTHER DEAD BODY! SWEET JUSTICE! (Score 5, Informative) 450

Seriously, the patrolmen don't have guns? What if someone shoots at them?

Due to strict gun control in the UK, very few criminals have guns, so police officers almost never have the risk of confronting an armed perpetrator. The criminals in the UK who *do* have guns are not petty thieves who are robbing pharmacies for narcotics.

Comment Re:Drone? (Score 1) 151

Even better for Al Queda as they don't have to be close to the damn airport to not only kill lots of people but shut it down for a day or two.

Don't be ridiculous. Grannies carrying tubes of toothpaste through airport security (along with their husbands' penknives on their key rings) are a MUCH bigger threat to which billions of dollars of security largesse must be directed.

Comment Nice watches (Score 2) 399

I really think 'it depends.' I'm Gen-X and have an Omega Seamaster on my wrist. I've worn it nearly every day for nearly a decade (don't wear it when I'm travelling to some destinations - Then it's my Timex.) I like wearing a nice analog watch, but then I iron my shirts and don't wear runners outside of the gym either. I think there will always be a market for people like me, the question is whether that market will die off as my generation dies off...

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