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Comment Re:This article is useless (Score 1) 91

All hit stage 5 of mass acceptance at work before hitting mass acceptance.

I have to call you out on 'email' and 'internet,' at least outside of tech companies.

I started in the working world in 1988, so I watched the arrival of email and internet. Long after everyone had it at home, PCs at work didn't have email / net access. "Mabel in the back" might have had a US Robotics modem so she could dial-up "the email" but that was it. In many businesses PCs weren't networked, or if they were it was via NetBEUI or some other inappropriate protocol.

Comment Re:Sci Fi Really Ages Quickly (Score 4, Insightful) 186

No - the original Battlestar Galactica was real crap. Cheesy as all heck

I think you're really looking at the show unfairly. When it came on the air (over 36 years ago) there was nothing else like it on television. Nothing. Sure it was riding the Star Wars wave, and it recycled FX shots, but at the time it was groundbreaking. Think about what else was on then - The Incredible Hulk, Vegas, Dallas.

I still remember the first time the trailer aired:

Comment Re:One problem solved, now the other... (Score 1) 698

Anyway the sum of it is that it is hard to get a good measurement on

Obviously I was making a tongue-in-cheek nonsense suggestion. America could have a school shooting every week and would still do nothing about their beloved wonderful child-killing guns. They would have nothing left to use to compensate for their small penises.

Oh yeah, and it's not 'hard to get a good measurement on.' The countries that have gun bans have nearly zero incidents of terrified little kids being shot dead at their desks.

Comment Re:One problem solved, now the other... (Score 1) 698

Good point.

Tell you what. Let's outlaw all guns like Australia and the UK, and see what the the school-mass-murder rate is in the USA a decade later.

If it hasn't dropped, and there remains the same number of tragic killings (only this time via school bus-steering-wheel takeovers) then we can revisit the gun decision.

Make sense?

Comment Re:Quite the poker player (Score 1) 285

So China promises to stop increasing by 2030, and the US promises to cut ~26% by 2025.

Yes, and by 2030 the USA will still emit more carbon per person than China.

(Today the USA emits about 14 tons per person, compared to China's 7 tons.)

So yeah, you're right, that is some powerful negotiation right there as China is making a much bigger sacrifice...

Comment Re:Remember when WSJ had a modicrum of decency? (Score 5, Informative) 720

Democrats are going to keep demanding that the government force low-skilled workers out of work... sorry, increase the minimum wage.

Now that it's been studied, it turns out this isn't the case. Raising the minimum wage doesn't force people out of work, and, in some cases, causes local economies to surge. Seattle is the most recent example.

Comment Re:Cashiers (Score 2) 720

It was always unfathomable to me how more than a century after the invention of the cash register, a multi-billion dollar company could predicate all of their income on high school students' scribbling

Well, if this was true, I'm sure the beancounters determined that at the end of the day the arithmetic errors were in effect rounding errors. McDonald's certainly didn't go bankrupt in the '70s.

Comment Cashiers (Score 5, Informative) 720

In contrast, McDonald's hasn't changed its basic system of taking orders since its founding in the 1950s

When I was a kid in the 1970s, I remember the order-takers at McDonalds would take the order down on a paper pad, then in seconds add it all up with a pencil and present you with the total.

Wonder if the cashiers would even be able to do that today...

Comment Re:That's the way the gyoza goes (Score 0, Troll) 331

When liberty itself is feared

Yep, you're right - It's really important for gun nuts to have the liberty to gun down children at school.

Man, nothing makes me angrier than gun-fanatics championing "liberty." You want "liberty?" Go DO SOMETHING to preserve your democracy, to make America better. Buying another Glock has nothing to do with liberty. .

Comment Re:And he is, probably, right (Score 1) 284

The people certainly never requested any of that.

Sure they did. They demanded a warm security blanket be wrapped around them at all times, in exchange for loss of privacy and liberty. No one protested at the state and federal legislatures. No one (other than the Tea Party) dominated primaries to ensure that people that supported beliefs of freedom received party nominations... and on and on.

Comment Re:And he is, probably, right (Score 3, Insightful) 284

America has always valued the cantankerous Individual above the glorious Collective, that other cultures prefer...

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not...

"America" demands the nanny-state, be it the TSA groping grannies for 10 years, the militarization your police...on and on.

None of the Glorious Collectives behave like Boston did after the Marathon bombings... HIDE IN YOUR HOUSE AND TREMBLE IN FEAR.

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