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Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 1094

He uses a tired old republican trope. You'd swear every time they upped the minimum wage the price of goods would go up! Except they don't. The price of goods creep up based on so many factors as he stated. Raw materials, transport, insurance, natural disasters, machinery, etc.

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 1094

You do realize that since the crash more and more profits have been going to the shareholders and not the employees right? You do realize that the little guy hasn't been getting a bigger and bigger chunk but the opposite right? You do realize that letting wealthy people hoard more money harms the economy much more than giving the poorest more which they will immediately spend, correct?

Comment Re:Sudafed (Score 1) 333

When cheap gin first arrived in Europe there was a lot of social decay. When Native Americans first got access to alcohol, lots of problems. In fact these problems seem to persist for generations, but eventually the population in general does not have a problem with the new hard stuff, whatever it may be. I don't advocate abuse of opiates, but the biggest problem these people have is the obscene cost to get their fix. It's not the most dangerous drug out there. It makes people act weird, and that makes us uncomfortable. Because it's not booze, or something.

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