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The Doctor Will Skype You Now 97

amkkhan writes Next time you need to go to the doctor, instead of making an appointment, why not just fire up your smartphone? New programs by companies such as Doctor on Demand and the University of Pittsburgh's AnywhereCare offer one-on-one conferencing with doctors, either over the phone or through video on your phone or computer – giving you all the medical advice you need without having to set foot in a doctor's office. This new breed of checkup, known as telemedicine, has the opportunity to revolutionize personal health, says Pat Basu, chief medical officer of Doctor on Demand and a former Stanford University physician. "Two of the most important skills we use as physicians are looking and listening," he says. "Video conferencing lets me use those skills and diagnose things like colds, coughs and even sprains in a manner more convenient for you."

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 2) 322

Panamax is 12.04m draft, 32.31m beam, and 294.13m length for a total volume of 114420 m^3. With a tropical fresh water density of 0.9954 g/cm^3, that comes out to about 113,894 metric tons (125,547 short tons) of displacement.

New Panamax is 15.2m draft, 49m beam, and 366m length for a volume of 272597 m^3 or 271,343 (299,105 short tons) of displacement.

The Courts

Algorithm Predicts US Supreme Court Decisions 70% of Time 177

stephendavion writes A legal scholar says he and colleagues have developed an algorithm that can predict, with 70 percent accuracy, whether the US Supreme Court will uphold or reverse the lower-court decision before it. "Using only data available prior to the date of decision, our model correctly identifies 69.7 percent of the Court's overall affirm and reverse decisions and correctly forecasts 70.9% of the votes of individual justices across 7,700 cases and more than 68,000 justice votes," Josh Blackman, a South Texas College of Law scholar, wrote on his blog Tuesday.

Comment Re:Over paid (Score 1) 442

$326k is the national ad rate. Local rate is 1/2 that if not more. There are 215 CBS affiliates (14 of which are O&O by CBS). Local ad rates go to support the station operating expenses, which does include fees that go up to the national network. But it's not as if BBT or CBS national get that ad money directly. So you really can't factor in what you computed as the $65m.

Comment Re:Check out Detroit (Score 1) 100

I'd really be more concerned about infrastructure. When you're mass-producing something like automobiles, you need good access to either a world-class seaport (which SF bay area IS), and/or rail network center (which noplace west of the rockies really does well, and probably LA does best). You need to be able to bring in lots of raw materials from diverse places, and ship your product out. For most purposes, even with the port of SF, SF is a terrible location.

This is why internet startups were able to thrive - because they had those phat pipes.

Comment Re:Over paid (Score 1) 442

So $3m/episode for the main stars. The other stars aren't making anywhere near that, and factoring in production costs, say we double the amount to $6m. Average show has 8 minutes of commercials and presuming 30-second ads, that's $375k/commercial (or probably less)

Coincidentally, ads were $326k last fall so my $6m/episode may not be that outlandish.

This also doesn't factor in any other money they make from merchandise sales, syndication ($1.5m/episode several years ago), and "goodwill" for other shows that BBT attract viewers too.

Comment Re:ARCH LINUX WIKI (Score 1) 430

I agree; the archlinux wiki is one of them most helpful sources out there. The arch distribution, however, is basically unusable, unless you personally have the hundreds of hours required to gain proficiency in every aspect of OS operation and configuration that, in nearly every other distribution, is basically 80-95% functional without the heroic levels of user intervention that arch typically requires.

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