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Comment Re:Admiral Ackbar says "It's a trap!" (Score 1) 193

What outrage? I started by stating that I wasn't worried about any of this - my copy of Windows is Genuine(c), provided by my OEM manufacturer (Gateway). I was merely pointing out that one should look twice at free goodies, and don't give me any of that "gift horse" schtick. I applaud M$'s decisions here, but I am fairly certain they're not acting from altruistic motives. Just sayin'.

Comment I will say this, Al. (Score 1) 193

You can always be counted upon to provide comic relief. Is that really what you want to be for the rest of your life? An insignificant little troll whose only pleasure comes from behaving badly, is that what you want the world to remember of you?

Please go seek out professional help. A psychiatrist, a psychologist, a minister, a friend . . . anyone. At the rate you're going, you'll end up doing the mandatory Thorazine Shuffle out at the Laughing Academy before too much longer.

Comment Admiral Ackbar says "It's a trap!" (Score 0) 193

Not for me - my OEM copy is genuine. But think about it: d'ya really think that Microsoft will let an opportunity to gather that much data continue to get away from them? Host GUID's, MAC addresses, existing configs that M$ might find interesting . . .

And remember, the first hit from the crack pipe's free. If I read this right, they're saying "Amnesty today!", not "Amnesty forever!".

Comment To take your point one step further... (Score 1) 96

Research into HIV and AIDS has occurred at a time when research on genetics is making discoveries at a breakneck pace. Combining these events has resulted in the discovery or creation of techniques in virology, immunology and epidemiology. Even if I knew nobody with HIV or AIDS, and even if those who had the infection were completely isolated from me I should consider myself the beneficiary of the knowledge and technology we've gained by working on vaccines, treatments and cures for this disease.

Comment Re:Obvious prior art (Score 0) 126

Actually, it is. A heavier-than-air machine or device which capable of sustained flight by generating a constant wind over carefully configured flight surfaces. I'll admit, I'd feel better flying in Boeing's product (and the amenities are way better), but if the folks at AIrbus try to actually patent their heavier-than-air flying machine as such, they're likely to run into a lot of prior art, preexisting patent claims, etc.

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