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Comment Re:Not really... (Score 3, Insightful) 193

Ummm... Small point, but 2-propanol IS isopropyl alcohol. So, no billion dollars to make the switch

And therein lies the joke, I ( a non chemistry buff) can quickly Google 2-propanol and see that they are one in the same, yet a normal automated HR screening process will kick one and accept the other. Kinda sad when you have a human resources check list without humans in it hey?


Submission + - Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem ( 2

wiredmikey writes: Charles Murray has written a great piece in the WSJ on the cloud now hanging over American business—and what today's capitalists can do about it.

A snippet from the article: Mitt Romney's résumé at Bain should be a slam dunk. He has been a successful capitalist, and capitalism is the best thing that has ever happened to the material condition of the human race.

Capitalism has lifted the world out of poverty because it gives people a chance to get rich by creating value and reaping the rewards. Who better to be president of the greatest of all capitalist nations than a man who got rich by being a brilliant capitalist? Yet it hasn't worked out that way for Mr. Romney. "Capitalist" has become an accusation, Murray explains.

To put it another way, it should be possible to revive a national consensus affirming that capitalism embraces the best and most essential things about American life; that freeing capitalism to do what it does best won't just create national wealth and reduce poverty, but expand the ability of Americans to achieve earned success—to pursue happiness.

If it is necessary to remind the middle class and working class that the rich are not their enemies, it is equally necessary to remind the most successful among us that their obligations are not to be measured in terms of their tax bills. Their principled stewardship can nurture and restore our heritage of liberty. Their indifference to that heritage can destroy it.


Submission + - Facebook Abstainers could be labeled Suspicious 2

bs0d3 writes: According to this article printed in, not having a facebook account should be the first sign that you are a mass murderer. As examples they use Norwegian shooter Anders Breivik, who used myspace instead of facebook and the newer Aurora shooter who used adultfriendfinder instead of facebook. They already consider those with facebook accounts, who lack friends to be suspicious, but now they are suggesting that anyone who abstains from facebook altogether may be even more suspicious. While it is already established that sites like facebook and google+ are no good for political activists, abuse survivors, and people in the witness protection program; abuse survivors will have to take a back seat while more and more insane articles like this come out. This line of thinking could sure help facebook's stock value.

Comment Re:Nothing new (Score 4, Funny) 488

Remember back in the days that Windows didn't have basic operating system features like memory protection and used to crash thrice daily?

Remember back in the days where using the latest version of IE would assure you that nothing but the most quirky IE only pages would render correctly?

Remember back in the days where Apple had a usable GUI for half a decade and MS users were stuck on a really shitty command line?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Comment Re:stack ranking sounds like the strict curve (Score 2) 407

Now imagine the lowest two of your ten people team just left. Who would you want as replacement? Certainly not anybody who is better than you at their job.

Spot on, and what makes it even better is the ramp up time for the 2 new and less skilled hires ensures that they will be mediocre in comparison to the established team. Therefor earning them low marks in the next review and booting them out the door taking their years salary and training overhead with them. Looking at it's logical conclusion there would be a high turnover rate in the team under this stack ranking system leaving that money to walk out the door with no return on investment and maybe a bad rep from the recently fired.

Comment Re:SCREW EVERYONE ELSE (Score 1) 2416

Of course, that is specifically prohibited by the Third Amendment.

By gosh you're right, quick someone call the cops that weren't hired because not one paid taxes.
Then we can argue the case in front of a judge that wasn't hired cause no one paid taxes.
We can hold the trial in the field where a courthouse wasn't built because no one paid taxes (maybe the squirrels will find them guilty).
Then we can sentence them to a prison that wasn't built cause no one paid taxes.

(not directed at you fahrbot-bot just all the people that think no taxes are a good thing)

Submission + - UK Home Secratary Ban US Martial Arts Expert (

Big Hairy Ian writes: "An American expert in violent self-defence has been excluded from entering the UK by the Home Office.

Tim Larkin tried to board a plane from his home in Las Vegas on Tuesday, but was given a UK Border Agency letter saying "his presence here was not conducive to the public good". Mr Larkin, who was due to host seminars, told the BBC the move was a "gross over-reaction". The Home Office said he was subject to an exclusion order. A spokeswoman said: "The home secretary will seek to exclude an individual if she considers that his or her presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good." Mr Larkin — who trained as a US Navy Seal — runs a company teaching combat to military and law enforcement clients in the United States.

Some thing's gone wrong here as he's not teaching or even advocating anything that's illegal."

Comment Re:IT employers again conspire against employees (Score 1) 402

Just recently there was a bill before congress to eliminate overtime for IT employees. Nobody else, just IT employees.

The bill being referred to by the parent was the CPU act (cute acronym). The status is here. Thankfully it seems kinda stalled but three more cosponsors signed on since it was first read on Oct 20, 2011.

Comment Re:As much as I hate to say it.. (Score 5, Insightful) 59

If Fox News' Derp-O-Sphere can label patent trolls as terrorists and inform the pitchfork and shotgun base.... that *might* actually be helpful.

That would be nice as patent trolls care little for political affiliation and will happily shake down a republican as well as a democrat. But alas the comment section for this story on Foxnews is mostly filled with complaints about Fark, not the lesson from the story itself. People seem content to hate each other for their political leanings, and won't realize some issues transcend politics and need cooperation to root out.

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