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Comment Re:i'VE BEEN HATING THE caps lock KEY FOR DECADES (Score 1) 698

Just because you don't have a use-case for it, doesn't mean that there are no use-cases for it.

This is not about the existence of use-cases, but the amount of use.

There is a difference.

I do not deny that the CAPS LOCK key is widely used within niche environments.

I also do not advocate eliminating the CAPS LOCK key, merely moving it to a place that is more aligned with the amount of use it gets.

Comment Manage change, don't avoid it (Score 1) 149

Change is always going to occur, and how you manage the change will have a direct correlation upon the success of your projects.

Some development tools are more stable than others from one version to the next, others are less stable. Managing the change then requires the developer to put into place the process for determining how to upgrade software tools in a manner consistent with the best outcome for the project.

Clearly, given the number and frequency of serious bugs coming out of Redmond of late, it is beginning to look as if Microsoft's QA team is either out to lunch, or has been laid off.

So any change mitigation strategy involving Microsoft products would probably have as it's #1 item: let new software from Microsoft settle down before using.

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