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Comment Re:I wouldn't worry about it (Score 1) 130

You can not get through a day without committing a felony.

Is this really true? (We could use a week without felonies instead, if you were exaggerating.) I'm sure people do sometimes commit crimes without any criminal intent, but at least one felony per day (or week) per person? And it has to be something that most people wouldn't think illegal, otherwise they'd at least try to avoid it doing it.

Comment Re:Anyone else hate 'apps'? (Score 1) 421

what kind of nasty nasty unprotected malware operating system do you use? was it developed in china or russia?

Sort of funny considering there's a certain operating system from the United States that many around here would describe as "nasty unprotected malware" :-)

Comment Re:FFS (Score 1) 115

I suppose I misunderstood your first post I replied to. I thought you meant you wouldn't want to install updates because you don't trust Apple and I was curious why, in that case, would you trust OS X in the first place.

I don't use a Mac myself, so let's swap Microsoft in there instead. I think it's not entirely unlikely that they would be able to install updates without prompting me in any way, if it was in their interest. Usefulness of the system outweighs the likelihood of them screwing me over, hence I continue to run Windows for the time being.

Comment Re:FFS (Score 1) 115

Why is it nonsense? I don't think updates require significantly more trust in a vendor than using their operating system in the first place does. If they wanted to push in any way malicious updates, they could have built in a way to bypass the normal update mechanism altogether or hide it in a Trojan horse.

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