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Comment Re:Curious (Score 1) 749

Does this mean that the US Gov is fine with those same companies turning over all their data to China if a Chinese official decides he wants it? Wonder what other companies this fun can extend to.

Nope. Every nation on earth maintains double-standard when it comes to this sort of thing. Ultimately, you have to pick a side.

Comment Re:Wish I could say I was surprised (Score 1) 178

And this is part of why all the drug development work ends up happening in private industry.

You're joking, right?

Pharmaceutical Companies Spent 19 Times More On Self-Promotion Than Basic Research: Report

Has nothing to do with the relative spending of academia vs industry on development.

Also has nothing to do with the relative spending of academia vs industry on development.

This is about basic research, not development. As I said in my post, "That said, when it comes to the basic research side of things pharma companies do tend to let the academics do the work for them."

Also has nothing to do with the relative spending of academia vs industry on development.

My point was that most drug DEVELOPMENT costs are incurred by private industry, because it isn't a low-risk publication environment.

I wasn't saying that the drug industry didn't have problems.

Comment Re:that's not the FAA's job (Score 1) 199

ADS-B transponders start at $2500.

As the other post indicated, this is all from certification costs. These would be issued by the FAA, and thus the FAA would bear these costs and not pass them along (out of interest for public safety). This would make planes safer as well, since everybody would have them and not just pilots with more money to burn.

There is nothing in an ADS-B transceiver that isn't present in a feature phone. It is a GPS, a micro-controller, and a radio. Many cheap hobby UAVs already have all 3 anyway.

Comment Re:that's not the FAA's job (Score 1) 199

As far as heavy drones go - regulate them like baseballs hit into windows and such. You don't need a license to operate a baseball and yet we don't have them showering down on our cars all day long.

A drone carrying cargo is not like a baseball, and no amount of regulation will make it so.

How do you figure. The damage from either is kinetic energy. Either can smash a window, distract a driver, and so on.

Comment Re:Fuck Tiles! (Score 1) 346

It's not a fallacy when the hater provides nothing objective other then 'its teh suxors.'

Easy to see what you need based on color alone, quicker then reading.
Easier to organize
hot keyable
If you aren't using search in either windows 7 or 8, you aren't really using the OS well.
win f isn't hard to use. I suppose you could have a menu with a complete list of every file, but that's seem pretty cumbersome.
You can adjust there size , or not, depending on whats easier.
I don't use the OS to look at the OS, I use it to quickly get what I need to do work or play games.

Comment Re:Political Absurdism (Score 1) 69

Netflix pays for their bandwidth. I pay for mine. Now Verizon, AT&T and others want to get paid a third time.

" Netflix doesn't give a damned about Net Neutrality,"
And AT&T, doesn't? Verizon? Google?

"they care about money"
well dur. But both of those aren't opposite.
You notice companies that will make money either way are still jumping in and saying AT&T and verizon is wrong?

" They could change their business model tomorrow to one that wasn't crushing the ISP's infrastructure "
it' snot, and the people already pay the ISPs. IF they can't handles it, then they need to get the fuck out of the kitchen.

Comment Re:Fuck Tiles! (Score 0, Flamebait) 346

I suspect you just like to hate MS and anything they change.
Tiles make accessing everything a lot easier.
Easier to search, 1 click access to everything I use even semi-regularly.
I don't want the start button back. I'ts baffling to me anyone would want it back, at best it's two additional clicks, at worse it led to hunting around looking for something.

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