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Comment Re:Fuck the money, what about the DEATHS? (Score 1) 222

Many of the vulnerable systems are embedded computing systems or systems that the vendors have to update and those updates become unavailable. It's a problem hospital security people are constantly battling. Hospitals purchase the equipment based on it's ability to do a job medically, and getting security to be a critical part of that assessment is a long hard fight.

Comment Fuck the money, what about the DEATHS? (Score 4, Insightful) 222

People in hospitals did not get care due to this. There was at least one critical stroke response unit that had shut down complete. Medical equipment also relies on computers, some of which were vulnerable. You want to blame the "victims" for un-patched systems? Sure, all systems should be up to date, but that's a bit like blaming the victim of a stray bullet from a gun fight for not wearing combat armor when he went out for a sandwich that day.

Comment No conspiracy theory needed. This is simple. (Score 4, Interesting) 315

Ecuador has been walking a line for some time providing refuge. Assange has made clear at this point both in statements and in actions, that when it comes to this election he has a very strong bias. Ecuador does not want to be seen taking steps to interfere in a US election. By providing the platform and venue for Assange to do what he's doing, as it becomes increasingly clear that he's not providing unbiased data release but rather acting as a proxy for Russian propaganda product, that's exactly the position they're in. By cutting off his access, they're preventing him using their protection to interfere in the US election.

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