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Comment Re:Pope Francis - fuck your mother (Score 2) 894

You are in luck, I have developed an Insult-O-Meter. It is parametric over which ideology/religion you prefer to be gauged. You plug in the rules and regs of your ideology and it will dynamically program itself to detect any sort of slurs or insults about that ideology. At the low cost of $19.95 in 18 easy monthly payments, you can automatically detect when you have been insulted and commence High Dudgeon Umbrage Behavior.

Have you or your loved ones been insulted or killed dead by insults? Here at Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe, we might be entitled to some of your compensation for these insults. Please contact our attorneys immediately if you feel insulted in the slightest degree. Our operators are standing by now with the fabulous offer of countering two insults for the price of one...that's TWO insults for the price of ONE. This offer is only good for the next 6 billion inhabitants of the planet so please do not delay and call us immediately. Your umbrage is our paycheck!!

Comment Re:History (Score 1) 95

I think the reason Apple refused Flash was a bit more mundane; it sucked energy and would have made the iThings unviable in a consumer market addicted to Flash. The fact that it was a security nightmare was just icing for whacking the entire cake.

Comment Re:Given the track record of Flash (Score 1) 95

It is a bit worse than that. It is a curious fact that Flash contains more bugs than can actually exist in the is considered among philosophers to be akin to Russell's Paradox. The latest scientific explanation involves higher order quantum mechanics and several new and very odd dimensions. The best theory I've seen so far is that Flash is bit like quantum soup with a black hole in hiding in the extremely odd extra dimensions. Virtual bugs and fixes appear in pairs, but curiously, only the fixes are attracted to the black hole and disappear from our time-space continuum forever. The consequence is that Flash seems to us as though it is a net emitter of bugs.

When questioned about this, Adobe refused to discuss the matter or its implications...firm evidence of a coverup in my book.

Comment Re:Thank you. Enjoy France, Greece, or Canada (Score 1) 484

Yes, but that isn't home grown success that you have in Texas. Your idiot former governor went around the country enticing businesses from other states to come to Texas. And this while he was gutting education. You also have a decrepit welfare system which kicks you if you are poor because being poor in Texas is strictly your own fault. And you over built, the recent water shortage is evidence of that. To make it worse, most of Texas doesn't believe in climate change and hence doesn't realize the lack of water is the new normal. You'd need a hole in your head to head to Texas with any idea of starting a family.

Comment Re:Who's in charge, again? (Score 2) 202

More importantly, the market doesn't do very good job of predicting what solution will be needed. Rather, it must wait until a problem has occurred and then there are clear directions for market-based solutions. So, things like the interstate system never get built except as a labyrinth of disconnected routes with no rhyme or reason and they'll all be toll roads.

Clean air is similar. It would never have been cleaned up because just about all industries were involved in screwing up the air quality, so there was no market solution. Similarly, there is no market solution to clean water.

I would posit there is no market solution to security. There might be litigious "solution" which means you get to sue after your credentials have be spewed to the interwebs...strangely, that's what we have now. There are no federal laws saying you need to protect your customers' data. There are companies who will sell you "security"...which is mostly snake oil in a can. That's the sum total of the market solution for security.

Food and Drug safety is another area. How many people need to die before the market respond to a bad manufacturer? 10? 100? Surely, a good market actuary could figure this out, but the result will not be pleasing to just about every one except Rand Paul types.

Comment Re:Infrastructure (Score 1) 206

No, this is just the effort of the Commies in China to make their dicks look bigger. It is the sole reason they want Taiwan back, the thought of an independent country of Chinese makes their dicks look smaller. It is the reason they are shoving Han Chinese into Tibet and into Xinjiang province. It is also the reason they go apeshit at the thought of Hong Kong freely electing their leaders. Penis envy is also behind the problems they had with the Falun Gong doing calisthenics on their front lawn.

It is all about the lack of dick of the Chinese leaders because they have no legitimacy. Hell, they didn't even fight the Japanese very well, that was the Nationalists who got beaten up so Mao could prance in a declare victory. And on the Long March, which was a retreat by the way, Mao was carried along by the proles he so valued.

Comment Re:islam (Score 1) 1350

You forgot enslaved. Islam has no problems with slaves...or women for that matter, they are merely the possession of the Muslim man. It isn't clear Judism or Christianity did either, but they were reformed. Islam is unreformable lest the ones using it for subjugation have no salve for their conscience.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 1) 1350

Can't. In Islam, Allah is so other that he never communicates directly with men (women have no souls so good Muslims need not worry about them except as chattel). Of course, you may have noticed that Islam has an escape clause (ain't it always the way), Allah can communicate to an angel who can then go ahead and communicate with men. Typically, this happens in their dreams, it provides a certain amount of deniability should anyone get the instructions wrong. So it wouldn't necessarily be Allah screwing up, it would necessarily be men.

Oh, and there's no use looking for a modern prophet to shoot in Allah's stead. Mohammed had a galaxy size ego and declared he would be the Last Prophet. If that doesn't smell scam, nothing does.

Also of curious note, Mohammed used to cadge his nickels by knocking over camel trains. Then in his late 30's, he hears voices and goes off into the mountains to hear them better. Late stage schizophrenia, classic case. Many schizophrenics come over as all religious, Mohammed was no different. Back then, schizophrenia was not recognized as being mentally ill, instead if you heard voices, it clearly must have been some diety or angel. So Mohammed took Judism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, etc., the extant religions of the time, put them in a blender, and comes out with Islam, of which he's the only prophet, the Last Prophet...scam, scam, scam.

Comment Re:In the name of Allah ! (Score 3, Insightful) 1350

I don't think so. I rather think the purpose was to strike fear in (1) Europeans who might value their freedom of expression to pillory Mohammed, and (2) fellow Muslims who might have some ideas about reforming Islam. The latter really scares the Muslim nutjobs...hell, it scares the Muslim clergy, Muslim rulers, just about anyone who has been using Islam to keep political control. In that sense, Islam has nothing to do with religion, it is merely a wreath of fig leaves to cover the sins of the powerful and those who wish to become powerful. Mohammed was no better and his spawn, Islam, shows just how corrupt the entire endeavor actually is.

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