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Comment Re:City life (Score 1) 459

"part of the aversion to doing "white people stuff" (where that aversion exists) is the result of disbelief at the prospect of actually becoming accepted among white people"

While that may be part of it, another part is that doing "white people stuff" means you are not doing black people stuff and hence are not black enough. I tend to think it has a heavy does of socio-economic bias built into it. If you are brought up in a poverty stricken area with a majority race, that race and poverty are seen as part of the same thing. So doing anything outside of the run of the mill things for that area will brand you as "other". In black inner cities, you are acting white. In white Appalachia, you are branded effete or thinking you are better than your peers. It is the same thing, but it gets colored differently depending upon where you are.

Comment Re:Riots? (Score 2) 67

What's animating China's zest for robotics is the realization that robots in other countries will put their millions out of jobs just as surely as them doing it to themselves. They just figure they would rather do it to themselves rather than have someone like the U.S. take it all away from them. Were that to happen, the fellows running the Party there can kiss their future take over of Taiwan goodbye. They just figure that if they can retake Taiwan, their toy government will finally have an air of legitimacy. Personally, I think it will always retain that unmistakable stench of Mao.

Comment Re:Who will get the cocktail first? (Score 1) 104

Well, if it is any like what Chinese industry has done to China, then I'm fairly sure we don't want them doing it here.

I agree, we should demand full disclosure of the chemical oil/gas companies are using or shut them down until they do disclose, with inspectors to be sure they aren't lying. However, to expect the Chinese to disclose what American companies are doing is a fools errand. They will use it as trade secrets for their own industry.

Comment Re: how many small businesses has Obama killed? (Score 4, Insightful) 739

Not only that, if the polls are to be believed, Romney is now the frontrunner for the GOP Prez candidate for 2016.

The basic problem is that the U.S. let the insurance companies into the health care system back in the 60's and didn't implement national health care under Teddy Roosevelt who wanted it.

Now we have death panels...not the panels the Republicans waxed wet dream like during the passage of the ACA but the ones the insurance companies run. Yes, those are indeed death panels just like the ones the Republicans warned us about.

Currently, Americans pay for health care through a company and individual tax. That allows the insurance companies to suck up as much as they can because they amortize risk, they do not amortize outcomes. So if your doctor schedules extra needless tests to protect against possible lawsuits, that cost has been built into the system if you have health insurance. The doctors are only too happy to order them because the insurance company will pay, it is built into their risk assessment of what your life is worth to them.

Comment Re:Total nonsense (Score 1) 631

My guess is that very few customers realize the details of security. Some know their information got pilfered in some way. This lot won't trust anything electronic and will make no distinction between a system like Apple's or CurrentC. However, most will merrily continue using whatever is available. Companies will continue to measure the cost of security against the cost of a breach, and still figure the cost of a breach is lower. To the individual, the cost of breach is higher.

Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 1) 631

Same here with the ATM card, it is not a debit card and I will never agree to have one. The bank was unhappy and couldn't understand why I wouldn't want the convenience of the debit card. I told them I couldn't understand why they would want me to have one.

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