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Comment Re:Who gives a shit? (Score 1) 593

Awww, how cute, you're trying to turn the very act of disagreeing with you into proof that you're right AND subtly include some ad hominem while you're at it.

Tell you what. I'll give you one chance to try again without axiomatically taking your claims as correct, without the ad hominem, and without the kafka trap that someone disagreeing with you is proof you're right. One try. Let's see if you can come up with a valid non-circular theory.

And just to make it more interesting here's a top female executive already calling out your argument as bullshit:

Comment Re:Google Duh-dles (Score 1) 593

The numbers aren't perplexing at all if you actually care about facts and evidence enough to realise that google is already less white than everybody else, and that the people crying foul over this are dishonestly counting asians as "white" just for the sake of inventing oppression where there is none.

Comment Re:you've got male (Score 1) 315

Let me ask you a really simple question: Why is it that when anyone else intends to join a new group they are expected to assimilate to that group's culture UNLESS they are a woman? Why do we expect men to alter their behavioral norms and culture to whatever women deem acceptable rather than the other way around? Why are women so infantilized and robbed of personal agency that they're not expected to be actors at all, but merely static pawns for everything else to rotate around?

In short, why do we blame men when women don't enter engineering, but completely ignore the fact that women staggeringly outweigh men in terms of overall college graduates? Why do we blame men for women being a small percentage of engineers, but not blame women for men being as little as less than 1/3rd of college graduates in the first place?

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