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Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

The only matter that was stopping the IRS from going after long-forgotten debts was its policy.

Obviously not true, or they would not have needed legislation to start doing it.

The fact that inheritors are responsible for the civil damages, including ones from future lawsuits, is nothing new.

It certainly is in the United States. You cannot go after an heir for their ancestors debts. Ever. You can sue based on property owner liability issues, based on ownership at the time, but that still has nothing to do with "inheritors" or relatives, just the current property owner.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

Incorrect. If you chose to come into inheritance then you also inherit its debts. Some people do that for sentimental reasons to avoid estate being auctioned, for example. Besides, estate can later be sued in civil courts, for example for contract violations or damages caused by the estate. In a famous case a dead body was sued for damages it caused.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

Nope, the only WTF here is that it can be interpreted as an ex-post facto law. However, it's not so clear because tax violations have no statute of limitation for civil penalties. The only matter that was stopping the IRS from going after long-forgotten debts was its policy.

The fact that inheritors are responsible for the civil damages, including ones from future lawsuits, is nothing new. IRS also has power to seize funds without going to courts first, nothing new here as well. It's the combination of these two that makes a technically valid but WTFy situation.

Comment Re:Not malicious but not honest? (Score 1) 447

I know what you're saying, but to me if you're coding to a specification (even if he wrote it himself!) which says "if X then Y", surely you should create a test to ensure it meets the spec..?

Or okay, he didn't create the test, but perhaps someone else should have before integrating the patch. But yeah, hindsight, 20/20, etc :)

Comment Re:If you make this a proof of God... (Score 1) 612

We are God: "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov.

I believe the ultimate assertion from Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" was "You are God". And not just as an idea from a new perspective, but as a studied examination of the underlying spiritual lessons from all human religions.

Submission + - The Marketing of Heartbleed (eweek.com)

darthcamaro writes: No security issue in recent memory has received the same attention as the Heartbleed flaw. What many people don't seem to realize amidst the media frenzy is that both the name 'Heartbleed' and the bleeding heart logo were created by a security research firm as a way to brand the flaw. The Chief Marketing Officer of Codenomicon (the firm that came up with the name Heartbleed and owns the website Heartbleed.com) said:
"Our intent was never to market, [but] rather to inform, educate and advise," Hope Frank said. "This is why we decided to post our internal Heartbleed content and created the Website. The domain happened to be available. "

Submission + - There are now 271 Million Registered Web Domain with.tk the #2 Domain after .com (eweek.com)

darthcamaro writes: Every year more and more web domains are registered and 2013 was no exception. There are now 271 million Top Level Domains registrations on the web today. Not surprisingly .com is the most popular domain with 112 million registered domain. What is surprising is that the number two TLD in the world is the .tk country-code TLD for Tokelau, a small territory in the South Pacific Ocean belonging to New Zealand.

Comment Re:Changelog? (Score 1) 294

So, is this just another update to shuffle a couple of buttons and checkboxes around or is there something else in this update?

Good luck finding the change log from Microsoft.

I'm assuming they've updated all the "SkyDrive" stuff to "OneDrive", since they lost the trademark lawsuit on that one.

That happened in some previous update I think. When I go to my user folder there's a folder named "OneDrive". Open it up and the breadcrumb navication calls it OneDrive. Yet when I check the actual path it's still actually "c:\users\Linuxisgarbage\SkyDrive" folder.

Nope. If you're seeing anything on the Windows GUI called "OneDrive", then you must have the update released today. I'm still waiting for the update to finish installing, but it definitely has always been called "SkyDrive" except on the web site.

Submission + - Microsoft Misses Pwn2own Flaws in Final Windows XP Patch Tuesday Update (eweek.com)

darthcamaro writes: Once again, it looks like Microsoft will be the last vendor to actually patch flaws that were first publicly demonstrated at the HP sponsored Pwn2own hacking event. Google, Apple and Mozilla have all patched flaws in their respective browsers for the security vulnerabilities demonstrated last month, but Microsoft has not. In its April Patch Tuesday update today, Microsoft provided the final updates to Windows XP, but didn't bother to include Pwn2own fixes."

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