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Comment Lesson (Score 0, Troll) 161

So people who use iOS devices do more shopping with them than people who use Android devices.

Is anyone surprised? I'll bet they get their bodies waxed more, too. Probably spend more on moisturizer and bath oils. Drink more wine rather than beer. Watch more episodes of Girls and Ellen.

I bet we could come up with a whole list of things they do more.

Comment Yes. (Score 1) 150

At least until they start opening a few 7/11's up there.

Can you imagine not being able to step out on a Thursday night for a microwave pizza puff, pack of smokes and a 2-liter Orange Crush?

Talk about driving somebody crazy...

Comment Re:Wear the tin foil hat (Score 1) 303

As we've seen from the unfolding NSA scandal, the line between identifiable data and anonymous data is not always clear. Remember how "metadata" was supposed to be this thing that was anonymous and could not be used to identify anyone?

I understand what you're saying, but the ability to identify someone from a discrete set of behavioral data is a moving target. And proving when a company has actually "identified" you as you and not as a set of your behaviors is going to be very tough.

The only approach to this that has any merit in my opinion is figuring out ways to salt your data with phony data. I remember there was some talk about a project to have a browser extension sent random crap to trackers. I like that idea. At this point, protecting my privacy isn't enough. I want anyone who wants to take it away to get messed up.

Comment purpose-driven life (Score 1) 33

You understand that unions arose specifically as a counterbalance to the power of corporations and the plutocrats, right? If it hadn't been for those original abuses of power and exploitation of people, there would never have been unions.

What you're basically doing, Smitty, is crying, "Mom! Tell Johnny to stop hitting me back!"

But that seems to be the leading meme of the Republican-types now, especially the WATB-in-chief:


Comment Re:Wear the tin foil hat (Score 2) 303

The marketing people don't care WHO you are, they just need group the data they collect on you into sets.

That's not as true as it once was. Marketers now want to track you, not just your habits. They want identifiable eyeballs.

There are companies that market to particular credit scores, for example. That only helps them if they can close the sale.

As an increasing amount of economic activity occurs in the upper strata, and targeted marketing becomes more prevalent, it will be interesting to see how the 1% react to strangers being able to identify their behavior for their own purposes.

Comment Re:simplicity and reliability (Score 4, Funny) 496


First thing I do when I get a car is rip off those damn mirrors. They're just another government intrusion into our freedoms to drive as we please, which is one of our God-given rights.

Anyway, they would only distract me and interfere with my natural feel for the road. I trust my instincts and experience a hell of a lot more than I trust some "mirror". Why would I need to see backwards if I'm going forwards?

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