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Comment Re:I am going to see who committed on that project (Score 1) 765

It is not a crime, but it does indicate an attitude which makes me believe that a person who revels in such behavior will make a poor team player. I would infer that that persons 'sense of humor' and attitudes would make it difficult for them to integrate into a team of mixed genders, religious beliefs, and moral attitudes. Therefore it would make them a liability both in the legal sense and in terms of team cohesion. Since teams are necessary to get things done, a smooth functioning team is a necessity.

Therefore I would recommend 'Do not hire'.

Seriously, everyone now involved in that project may have made a serious career limiting mistake.

Comment Re:That'll make everyone a programmer (Score 1) 211

So you're trying to prove that most people don't need to know who to write a program *by writing a program*?

Using the built in features of sed or vim, isn't "programming" "to me."

Now if you were talking about writing bash scripts, now that would be more akin to programming.. And personally I think knowing "scripting" would be more useful to more people than knowing "programming".

For example, if I wanted to check if list of websites were offline or not...I could open them in tabs.....or:

for x in $(cat url_list.txt);
              lynx -dump $x | grep -ol "Error 404";

That is more akin to a program than my simple usage of sed, but still isn't the same as:

10 print "input name"
20 input a$
30 print "Hello, "a$

Comment Re:That'll make everyone a programmer (Score 1) 211

A batch script that extracts all lines from a CSV file containing the string "w00t" could save a single operator hours or days trying to do the same thing with search... copy... paste... search... copy... paste... search... copy... paste... search... copy... paste... search... [ad nauseam].

Who needs a batch script.

sed -i".bak" '/w00t/d' foo.csv

I don't even know sed syntax, all it took was a bit of googling. Looks similar to vim syntax which I am slightly more familiar with. Open up the file in vim and :g/w00t/d

Comment Re:Build it yourself -- from source (Score 1) 237

However, I've tried to make my own custom builds of Firefox and it's a nightmare. The build process used by Firefox is so complicated and convoluted, it would make Rube Goldberg laugh.

I once built a Firefox build on a PS2, I had the libs so I could enable a ton of features that the community builds didn't. The process was so horrible I only did it once....and then settled for the community builds even if they lacked gtk2 support (and other things)

I figured out that it was easier to IGNORE most of the build instructions and just do a standard traditional ./configure, because setting up a frickin MOZCONFIG that worked was the devil's work.

Comment Re:Bad move by Konami (Score 2) 42

Much like how Sony mistreated the guy who developed the original Playstation.

Ken Kuturagi, who was batshit insane in his design decisions. Developers complained about the arcane architecture of the PS2 and then he made something even MORE arcane.

Sure they're both extremely powerful for their time in certain ways, but Kuturagi forgot that developers are lazy, especially X86 devs and that they would be unwilling to take the extra measures for the most part.

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server (Score 1) 320

"It is blazing fast for small amounts of data with low concurrency."

Just about anything can be blazingly fast of you turn off logging, constraints, transactions, and cache the entire DB in RAM. Call me when you hit terabytes and then I'll take a look at your performance tuning.

Until then... later...

Comment Re:In my experience (Score 1) 320

you can speed up any DB by turning off logging, relaxing constrains, and not locking. Which is essentially what many DB engines did to meet benchmarks e.g. MySQL and "NoSQL" DB engines. Until the loss of data integrity caused real problems and people started screaming about how they had just been screwed by the DB engine they were using. Then they got religion and are, over time, beginning to resemble PG and a real relational model.

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