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Comment Paid vs unpaid "volenteers" (Score 1) 219

This should come as a surprise to nobody. It's a long well-known fact that the majority of the top editors at Wikipedia are paid to do so. Normal people can't compete with someone who's paid full-time to edit Wikipedia and this is the reason it can't be trusted - not even a little bit. And PR-Agencies aren't really the biggest problem - government employees are. Why do you think that Wikipedia is parroting the government line on all subjects where the government is presenting untruthful information through the mainstream media? Because Wikipedia is edited and administrated by the same people who write the government propaganda press releases for the mainstream media, that's why. Do your own research and thinking. You'll be amazed.

Comment Re: Yes, I know Google is evil (Score 1) 234

> I laugh at anyone who trusts Google with their data, or authentication.

Yes, I know Google is pure evil. Google Auth is based on an open standard & it is open source. As I wrote in parent post: This means that there is a whole range of implementations available. I use the Google Auth standard for auth at various Bitcoin exchanges but I do not use any Google software to do it, I use other implementations. You can use Google Auth without trusting Google with jack shit. (and yeah, I know they are evil, I've removed all the Google spyware / crapware from my phone, I don't have their appstore, etc)

Comment Google Auth beat you to it (Score 1) 234

If you want secure / two-factor today then you'll use Google Authenticator - which is what all bitcoin exchanges use. It's the standard. We don't need a new one. And it's open, so you don't need a smartphone, you can use a PC version like JAuth. This QR code thing is less smart as it would need you to actually have a smartphone - and that's a very dumb idea. The Google Authenticator standard does not, but you should use a another device (notebook computer, tablet, phone, whatever) for it since that's more secure. Anyway, this story is a yawn but that and censorship is what I've come to expect from Slashdot these days.

Comment It's common, Google does this too (Score 3, Informative) 548

Censorship based on the use of common words is something that happens all over these days. I have a few websites with Google Adsense on them. Google sends spam e-mails about "adult content" on a poetry site I have regularly. It's mostly poetry from the 16th, 17th and 18th century on that site. Words like "lover" trigger their malfunctioning bot. Webmasters have the choice between censoring perfectly normal content, and in my case poems, that no human in their right mind would have a problem with. I'm not shocked or amazed that this is happening with ebooks, Google has been doing this for a long time now. It reminds me of the book 1984. I'm glad this is getting some attention here today - because this is far more common than most people realize.

Comment A 600,000 out of thin air figure, a lot spent (Score 1) 294

Say you have a job and make $5.000 per month. Don't mind if you make more or less and that I just took a round figure out of thin air. That works out to $60000 per year. Five years go by and you've earned $300000. How much money is there in your account 5 years later? Do you likely have $300000 sitting there in your account at that point in time? OR did you perhaps spend each months paycheck paying for rent, utilities, food and other items? I don't know about you but if you are like most people then you probably do NOT have $300000 sitting there in your account after 5 years. You more likely spent everything you got last month and perhaps you have $2000 left of that last $5000 paycheck sitting there in your account. Think about this for a minute. The claim is that SR generated an income of 600.000 BTC. The price of a Bitcoin was $1-2 during SRs lifetime. It was less than $10 during most of SRs lifetime. Media story and popular opinion seems to be that Ulbricht never spent a single Bitcoin but somehow managed to pay bills and expenses anyway and that all bitcoins SR ever made therefore must be sitting in a wallet somewhere. I personally find that opinion highly unlikely.

Comment Re:'MANTLE' was the game-changing announcement (Score 1) 188

Nothing can kill OpenGL, if DirectX couldn't do it, certainly not this proprietary shit.

Android based phones, tablets, consoles and even laptops and dekstops (yes, they are coming and they are getting better very very fast) all use a simple version of OpenGL. You'd have to kill that fast-moving train to kill OpenGL and that is not going to happen. Yes, AMD got a big win with it being the base of the new XBox and Playstation toys. That would have major implications a few years back. I'm not convinced it will make such a huge difference today. As I said, there are Android consoles for sale right now and more are coming. These android consoles won't have the horse-power of the new XBox / Playstation things, but it really won't matter. Also note that there will be one XBox and one Playstation but there are already dozens of Android consoles to pick from.

Comment Wouldn't go there (Score 1) 555

This will surely help tourism. I put USA on my list of not-safe-to-visit list after the 9/11 false-flag military operation in 2001. My sister asked me if I wanted to join her on vacation to the US a few years back. She's one of those people who never understood 9/11. Now even she refuses to visit that country.

Submission + - Bitcoin Exchange MtGox claims to only be able to do 10 SWIFT transfers per day (

xiando writes: MtGox is the biggest Bitcoin exchange on the planet even though their market share has gone from above 80% to below 50%. Many people have been waiting months for their USD withdraws from MtGox. Many people have given up and cancelled their withdraw only to buy expensive BTC at MtGox which they've then sold at Bitstamp at a $10 per coin loss. MtGox's MagicalTux came up with a new explentaion today: MtGox's bank is only able to do 10 SWIFT transfers per day. Some buy this story, others speculate that they are insolvant. Interesting sidenote: Nobody holding BTC wants to touch this story. Story URL is a forum post with IRC logs, but numerous people on #mtgox at freenode can confirm that this is in fact that the CEO of MtGox claims.

Comment Re:Well duh (Score 1) 443

This. I don't even have a TV. Everyone in my building got a IPTV cable box and it's got HDMI out, so I _could_ hook it up to my computer screen and stereo and watch TV channels .. but why would I? I think those sending traditional TV have lots a lot of customers permanently. I could go to the basement and get that TV box and hook it up, but why on earth would I bother with that?

Comment Too little way too late (Score 1) 443

I assume this "airs" thing they speak of has to do with those "television" things old people stare at. I have not had one of those in years and I see no reason to get one. It's about 10 years too late to try "airing" things within a reasonable time-frame from when the show is released in my case. I know some people under 30 who own a TV which is hooked up to their computer or XBox, but I know very few who actually watch TV-channels anymore. I know old people (50-60+) like their propaganda box, but it's a bit late to try to attract younger people who are used to getting all media from the Internet.

Comment Re: Already the case (Score 2) 583

This is already the case. If you write something which goes against government propaganda in Norway (and other NATO countries) then the government tortures you. It's already dangerous to have opinions different from the government approved list. I know a lot of people here will violently oppose this truth, but deal with it: we have to truthfully asses the current situation in order to improve it, and improvement really is needed. Free speech is a nice theory that I would like to see become practice.

Comment It's really this simple (Score 1) 583

There is no war on terror. It's all just media propaganda. There has not been a single major terrorist attack the last 100 years which was not a false-flag attack. If you still haven't figured out that 9/11 was an inside job then consider this: There's hundreds of videos and pictures who clearly show massive steel beams being thrown up and away during the _demolition_ of WTC 1 and 2. The official story is that gravity made these buildings come down. Gravity does not make things fall up. Try dropping something and check it out for yourself. You're in a fascist dictatorship with an illusion of freedom, just like everyone else within the NATO alliance.

Comment Slashdot Propaganda Machine Working Overtime (Score -1, Troll) 107

Looks like the Slashdot Propaganda Ministry is working overtime this week. Want to end terrorism? Investigate the 7/7 london bombings. Investigate 9/11. Look into the history of Al-CIAda. It really is very simple: If you learn the truth and tell as many people about it as you can then governments will no longer see false-flag terrorism as a viable means to rally the people and they will simply stop doing it and find other ways to fool the people to support wars and such. Buy into government propaganda and stories like this ./ propaganda article and you show you are buying this crap - and that actually encourages NATO & governments to carry out more false-flag attacks. Government kills someone you love in a false-flag terrorist attack? Well, it's your own fault for being stupid & ignorant.

Comment Remember that it does not end with surveillance (Score 1) 133

Western NATO countries like Norway use surveillance as a first initial step against people who say anything which goes against government propaganda. Sabotage is the next and that's usually followed by torture. So keep in mind that surveillance is not the big problem here, they just do surveillance to find out who to target and torture for writing or saying the "wrong thing". Stop the surveillance of everyone and fewer people get tortured. You can debate if surveillance is a human rights violation or not, but it should be obvious that torture is.

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