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Comment Re:Article is total bilge water (Score 1) 179

Elves and dwarves, and are from germanic legends, and first appear in Old English and Norse writings.

The Brothers Grimm popularized dwarves long before Tolkien was born.

Dragons have been present in legends around the world since antiquity.

Tolkien can be credited with the modern concept of orcs, but the words orc and goblin are much older. Old English glossaries record the word OE orc corresponding with Latin Orcus (deity of the Underworld), and synonymous with thyrs "ogre", as well as "hell devil".

Hobbits were really the only creatures completely invented by Tolkien, and they don't exist outside of his Middle Earth universe either, unlike all of the other pre-existing conceptual creatures.

Fantasy has existed since antiquity, although conventionally it was labeled as religion or poetry. The Odyssey, Greek and Norse Mythology, Dante's Inferno, and many more both predate and laid a foundation for Tolkien. Many modern franchises may owe their existence to Tolkien, but the debt goes back further as well.

Comment Pay, not talent (Score 5, Insightful) 553

Companies want recent college grads because they know they're willing to work for less, not because they believe them to be more talented. Do you want to pay a landscaper $100 to mow your lawn, or the kid across the street $20? Same concept. If it's important, you'll pay the experienced professional, but a lot of development work is doable by amateurs. It might not look as good, but it's good enough.

Comment Tech Savvy (Score 5, Insightful) 553

Fad Savvy more likely. Most of the "Tech Savvy" people I know are Google experts, meaning they know how to Google for an answer, and they think that makes them an expert. Take away their computer, and they can't have a Tech conversation with anyone.

They have no idea what it takes to get them their "Google". They aren't tech savvy, they are digital savvy illiterates.

Comment Re:Actual facts about experience (Score 0, Troll) 553

Obama was a US Senator longer (3-Jan-2005 to 16-Nov-2008) that Palin was Governor of Alaska

Voting "present" if I recall was his biggest achievement in those years. Having no real accomplishments other than being elected is outstanding political work these days. It also is working for Hilary.

And obviously you think three years as senator makes one fully qualified to be President of the US.

Based on what?

Rose Law firm files
Taking China from the WH
Drug Dealer Scandal
Mail Server Scandal
Clinton Foundation scandal.

Of course, a lifetime of scandal should be enough to prevent her from running. At this point the DNC can't complain about anyone the GOP having "Scandals"

Comment Re: "The Ego" (Score 1, Flamebait) 553

She crafted and presented a workable health care bill

She wasn't elected to do that. She wasn't even elected. If your best case scenario is this then go away.

She also served successfully as secretary of state in an essentially scandal free administration, no matter how much republicans wish it were otherwise.

Scandal Free? LOL

Successfully? LMAO The world is burning, and you call that success?

Comment Re:All aboard the FAIL train (Score 0) 553

Why didn't the reporters do the same thing with a Jr Senator from Illinois? Remember, he was just a couple years into his first term as Senator, voting "present" more often than anything else. Red Flags abounded, but he was "black" and "dynamic". Having the first "campaign" meeting at the house of two former (or still) radicals wasn't a hint of things to come?

While Palin was new to the National scene, she didn't get elected Governor because she was a woman, she pissed off a lot of people both (D) and (R) up there. She was just too "small town" for national appeal. The (D) and (R) power brokers love fancy city slickers ... that is unless you're Bill Clinton ;)

Comment Re:Isn't there some vetting process? (Score 1) 553

billionaire's estate

holding my nose and pulling the lever for her.

You are under the false assumption that the Clintons aren't in the realm of billionaire status. The whole "Clinton Foundation" is a clever trick to get people to think that the Clintons actually care about anything other than power and wealth. It has been that way since Bill was Governor.

Comment Re:Hasn't been that way yet (Score 0) 553

Actually, if a REPUBLICAN (woman or not) did any of those things, the news media besides FOX NEWS would actually be covering them. But the MSM is in full whitewash mode on Hilary, simply because she is a woman and (D) and the best the DNC actually has after seven years of Obama.

And Hilary's biggest accomplishment, is being Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife. There is no way she would have been elected Senator or appointed Secretary of State is she weren't. She hasn't done anything.

Comment Re:"The Ego" (Score 0, Troll) 553

she has way more government experience

1) So did Palin (vs Obama) but that didn't stop the criticism there
2) Most of Hilary's experience is being the wife of Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend
3) Finally, most good democrats cannot even find ONE accomplishment of Hilary, besides #2)

Given the choice between Hilary and Carly, I'd take Carly. Which isn't actually saying much. Personally, I can't stand either of them.

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